Possible Messages (Creating Invoices)

When you are creating invoices, the following messages might appear:

<Order Record Message Box>
This custom message appears when another user has entered a MESSAGE field in the order record you are using in the invoice. This message does not prevent you from using the order record, but rather alerts you to any special conditions that might exist for that order. See Adding Messages to Order Records for more information.
125 payments are made. Cannot add more payments.
(Sierra 4.0 and earlier only) The payment capacity of the order record has been reached. To enter more payments, delete payments in the order record or create another order record.
3 copies ordered, 3 copies received. Start charging for which copy? How many being paid for now?
You can add payments to multi-fund monographic records and choose which fund(s) to charge.
All copies have already been paid, adding a payment
Start charging with which copy in list (1-5)
How many being paid for now (1-5)
Add payment for an order record number with all copies already paid. Without exceeding the maximum number of ordered copies indicated in the parentheses (in this example "5" copies), enter the starting copy and the number of copies to which you are adding a payment. Then indicate the payment amount. This message also serves as a warning to prevent adding an order record number with all copies paid to a new invoice.
An Update to this record has NOT yet been posted
This means that the info about to be retrieved is not up-to-date.
Use this record anyway? (y/n)
Update entered but not posted. The record retrieved is not up-to-date. This message appears only for orders with a STATUS of 'a', 'd', 'f', 'g', or 'z.' You can post additional transactions anyway.
An Update to this record has NOT yet been posted.
You CANNOT use this record right now.
Update entered but not posted. The record retrieved is not up-to-date. This message appears only for orders with a STATUS of 'c', 'e', 'o', or 'q.'
Cancelled Order
Allows you to pay for and accept a cancelled item. If "y," the system displays: Add a payment? (y/n) Amt?
Invalid record number.
Entered number that does not have the correct check digit or proper format. Check the number and reenter it, or search for the record using the browse window below the invoice.
Invoice <record #> contains an invalid dedicated tax fund code and cannot be posted.
The dedicated fund designated to use for tax is no longer valid. Contact Innovative to resolve this error.
ITEM ALREADY PAID FOR. FUND=<fund code> Estimated Price= <EPRICE> Add a payment?
You can add payments to an order for which some copies have already been paid.
Allows you to pay for additional copies of an ordered item that has been partially paid for already. When you choose OK, the system displays: x copies ordered. y copies already paid. How many are being paid for now? (z max.) with z being the unpaid number of copies from the total of x copies ordered.
n copies ordered. How many recd?
Multiple copy monograph, no copies previously received. Enter number received.
n copies ordered. n previously received. How many being paid for now? (1-n)
Multiple copies ordered. Enter appropriate number.
n copies ordered. Start charging with which COPY in list?
Multiple copy, multiple fund order with a STATUS of 'f', 'g', 'a', or 'z'. Press Enter to begin with first fund in list. Otherwise, specify fund to begin with.
No fund!
Order record has fund code "none"; cannot make payments unless order record has valid fund code.
On HOLD (1) status.
Order record STATUS is '1'. You cannot make payments on orders with this status.
Order has previously been received.
If invoicing and receiving are combined, system warns if the order was previously received.
If previously paid, system displays: Add a payment? (y/n)
Order not received.
If invoicing and receiving are separate, the system warns you if order was not yet received.
Receive action is <value>.
Gives the value of the RACTION field from the order record.
Record deleted on <mo-dy-yr>.
Check the number and reenter it if incorrect. If correct, see archived order records for information about this order.
Sorry you cannot add more than 500 line items to this invoice.
The payment capacity of the invoice has been reached. To enter more line items, create another invoice. If the order record has a status of 'c', 'e', 'o', or 'q', you must post the session before you create an invoice for the remaining line items for the same order record.
Order record STATUS is '2' (approval rejection). You cannot make payments on orders with this status.
The dedicated fund code could not be validated.
The dedicated fund your library chose to use for tax is no longer valid. Contact Innovative to resolve this error.
There are <x> holds on this title.
Order record has <x> number of bibliographic-level holds placed on it. To receive this notification, the Show Hold Alert during receiving option must be chosen.
Unable to select the record. The record number is not valid or is out of range.
Entered a number that is not in the current accounting unit. Check the number and reenter it, or search for the record using the browse window below the invoice.
Vendor has changed.
The vendor in this line item is not the same as the vendor in the previous line item. Check that you entered the correct order number for payment. If correct, continue creating the invoice (line items with different vendors can be entered on a single invoice).