Adjusting Encumbrances Based On Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

The Foreign Currency Manager calculates encumbrance adjustments for outstanding orders (orders with a STATUS of 'o') based on changes in the foreign currency exchange rate. After the system calculates the adjustments, you can choose to process the adjustments and change fund encumbrances.

To adjust encumbrances based on current exchange rates in order records:

  1. Choose Foreign Currency from the Function drop-down list.
  2. From the Range/Review drop-down menu, search a range of record numbers or select a previously created review file for order records with STATUS of 'o' (on order--encumbered monograph).
  3. To restrict the data presented to encumbrance changes of over 1%, select Report changes only if encumbrance change is more than 1%.
  4. Choose the Start button. After the calculation is completed, data appears in the Preview By Fund and Preview by Currency tabs.

On the Preview By Fund tab, you can examine by fund the table data for information on Fund, Outstd. Orders, For. Curr., Encum.¹, Encumb. Subtotal¹, Exch Rate Unit/(local currency), New Encum.¹, New Encum. Subtotal¹, Encumb. Adj¹, as well as totals for each highlighted column.

On the Preview By Currency tab, you can examine by foreign currency the table data for information on For. Curr., Outstd. Orders, Fund, Encum.¹, Encum. Subtotal¹, Exch Rate Unit/(local currency), New Encum.¹, New Encum. Subtotal¹, Encumb. Adj.¹, as well as totals for each highlighted column.

¹ Indicates data in local currency.

  1. If certain order records were not included in the exchange rate calculations, check the Errors tab for error messages.

To correct errors, you can edit the order record by double-clicking any entry listed under the Record # column.

  1. To adjust the encumbrances of the given order records based on the current exchange rates in the tables, choose Process on either the Preview By Fund or Preview By Currency tab.
  2. To cause the fund balance adjustments to take effect, you must post the invoicing session for the Est. Eprice Adjustments.
See also:
Foreign Currency Table