Group call numbers for statistical reports

The GROUP call numbers for statistical reports option in Admin Corner allows you to edit SCAT (Statistical CATegories) tables and configure statistical reports based on call number.

The SCAT table assigns ranges of call numbers to statistics groups ("categories"). The SCAT tables are maintained by your library. A library can have up to nine SCAT tables. A single table is provided with the system. Additional SCAT tables must be purchased.

A library can define up to 9,999 categories. The system uses these when producing these types of call-number-based statistical reports:

The call number entries in the SCAT table may be either numeric (e.g., Dewey) or alphanumeric (e.g., Library of Congress).

When the system gathers statistics for these reports, it uses data from call number fields (i.e., fields associated with the system field group tag 'c'). When found, each call number is normalized according to the applicable normalization rule and is then looked up in the SCAT table to determine the category to which it belongs. The system takes into account the MARC tag of the call number when determining the normalization rule to apply (see Call Number Normalization for more information).

Note on Dewey Decimal call numbers

After normalizing a Dewey Decimal call number, the system removes all spaces from the call number before looking for its entry in the SCAT table. If your library does not want the system to remove these spaces, contact Innovative.

If the SCAT table is changed, circulation reports generated from statistics gathered before the change will use the old values from the SCAT table; reports generated from statistics gathered after the change will use the new values from the SCAT table. On the other hand, hourly Circulation reports use the table at the time the report is run, which means that reports printed after changes to the SCAT table will use the new values from the table.

The library associates one or more call number index(es) with a SCAT table. This determines the type(s) of call numbers to which that SCAT table applies (e.g., LC and/or SuDocs). When preparing statistical reports based on call number, the system only looks up in the SCAT table those call numbers that belong to a type associated with the table.

If a library acquires more than one SCAT table, the system will generate a statistical report for each one. Note that it is possible for a given call number to be included in reports generated from more than one SCAT table (if the given type of call number is associated with more than one table). It is also possible for a call number not to appear in a particular report (if that type of call number is not associated with the table, or, if it does not fall in any of the defined categories). However, a call number can never be included in more than one category in a single SCAT table.

For example, if a library had both an LC and a SuDocs call number index and if it had three SCAT tables, it could assign a given LC call number to two different categories, one from each of two different SCAT tables, and it could assign the SuDocs call numbers to their own SCAT table.

When GROUP call numbers for statistical reports is selected, if the system has more than one SCAT table, the system will offer a choice of tables to edit:

               SCAT FILE MAINTENANCE                                  
    C# Index  Table Name
1 > c        Dewey Decimal Call Number
2 > g        Govt Doc No

 Key a number or
 Choose one (1-2,Q)

The character(s) in the first column (C# Index) identify the index(es) associated with the SCAT table, e.g., 'c' stands for the general call number index. Enter a number to select a SCAT table to edit. The SCAT table displays. For example:

               SCAT FILE MAINTENANCE (Main Collection)                     
01 >     0000           0099.999      1     000 - 99.999
02 >     0100           0199.999      2     100 - 199.999 & 400s
03 >     0200           0299.999      3     200 - 299.999
04 >     0300           0399.999      4     300 - 399.999
05 >     0400           0499.999      2     (400s incl in CAT 2)
06 >     0500           0599.999      5     500s
07 >     0600           0699.999     11     600 - 699.999 & BPs
08 >     0700           0700.999     13     700 - 700.999
09 >     0701           0999.999     14     701 - 999.999
10 > A   0000       A   9999.999      6     A & BF - BG 9999.999
11 > B   0000       BE  9999.999      7     B - BE 9999.999
12 > BG  0000       BG  9999.999      6     (BGs incl in CAT 6)
13 > BH  0000       BK  9999.999      8     BH - BK 9999.999
14 > BL  0000       BM  0049.999      9     BL -BM 49.999
15 > BM  0050       BO  9999.999     10     BM 50 - BO 9999.999
16 > BP  0000       BP  9999.999     11     (BPs incl in CAT 11)
  Key a number or
  F > FORWARD           J > JUMP                  D > DELETE an entry
  B > BACKWARD          A > ADD an entry          + > ADDITIONAL options
  Choose one (1-16,F,B,J,A,D,V,S,P,N,T,Q,+)

Adding Entries

Choose A > ADD an entry to add a new entry to the SCAT table. The system will ask if you want to enter free text call number categories. If you respond 'y', the system displays the free form category screen. If you respond 'n', the system displays the class letter/class number category screen.

Free Form Category Screen

Note that free form categories can be defined for local call numbers that consist entirely of alphabetic characters.

The free text SCAT options are for entire sections only, and cannot be used in conjunction with non-free text lines in a single scat section. That is, you cannot enter both free text and LC entries into the same SCAT table due to the potential overlap among the ranges.

The system prompts:

Group by RANGE or MATCH against beginning and end? (r/m))

Group by RANGE

If you choose 'r' to Group by RANGE, the system will run the report based on the range specified. For example, if the range specified is "fiction a" through "fiction z", the report would include:

fiction aa

fiction borg

fiction you

fiction z

The report would not include:



fiction zz

Group by MATCH

If you choose 'm' to Group by MATCH, the system will run the report based on a match of the starting and ending text strings provided. For example, if the starting text range specified is "fic as" and the ending text range is "youth", "FIC ASIMOV YOUTH" falls in the category, while "FIC AUDRY ADULT" will not fall into the category, because "AUDRY" does not match "fic as" and "ADULT" does not match "youth."

After you select Group by RANGE or Group by MATCH, the system prompts for a START text range, an END text range, and a description for each category. The starting and ending ranges can be up to 20 characters. You do not have to place new entries in numeric order since the system will insert each entry in its proper place in the table.

             START text range: FICTION A
             END text range: FICTION M
             CATEGORY? (1-9999) 3___
             DESCRIPTION? Fiction A-M

START text range & END text range

For each START text range and END text range, enter up to 20 alphabetic characters. The text range is not case-sensitive.


Enter up to four digits. More than one group of call numbers may be assigned to the same category in a single table. This allows different ranges of call numbers to be grouped together into a single category, e.g., the entries on line number 02 and 05 on the Sample SCAT Table are both assigned to category 2. Statistics are listed in category order on the reports (see some examples using portions of Multiple SCAT Tables). The counts for all groups with the same category number (in a single table) will be displayed collectively, on one line of the statistical report. The maximum number of categories is 9999.

  • Be careful when entering the data for categories not to create gaps (e.g., one category ends at 700.999 and the next begins at 750 - skipping the call numbers 701-749.999) or overlaps (e.g., one category goes from 700 - 799 and another goes from 700 - 700.999). In the former case (gaps) there will be call numbers which are not reported on; in the later case (overlaps) the system will assign each call number to the first applicable category in each table (a call number will never be assigned to more than one category in a single table).
  • Categories in separate tables are completely independent of each other.


You may enter up to 99 characters, however, only the first 26 characters will display in the statistical report. Usually a range or a subject is entered as the description. For example, you may use the actual range of call numbers covered (e.g., BF 1001 - BF 1399.999) or the subject those call numbers represent (e.g., Parapsychology). If no description is entered, the system will display the call number range in statistical reports (e.g., BF1001-BF1399).

If a category appears more than once in the table (such as CATEGORY 6 in the above example), the system will display, in statistical reports, the description in the first occurrence of the category in the table; descriptions for other ranges which are assigned to the same category will not be displayed on reports.

Class Letter/Class Number Category Screen

The system prompts for the CLASS_LETTER and CLASS_NUMBER for the starting call number and for the ending call number for each category and a DESCRIPTION for the category. The range for each category includes the starting and ending call numbers. You do not have to place new entries in numeric order, since the system will insert each entry in its proper place in the table.

             START CLASS_NO? 0000
             STOP CLASS_LETTER? A
             STOP CLASS_NO? 9999.999
             CATEGORY? (1-9999) 6___
             DESCRIPTION? A & BF - BG 9999.999


For each START CLASS_LETTER and STOP CLASS_LETTER, enter up to three characters. Use this for call numbers that begin with letters, such as Library of Congress and SuDocs call numbers. Leave blank for call numbers which do not begin with letters, such as Dewey Decimal numbers.


Enter up to eight characters (seven digits and a decimal point - decimals are allowed) for the START CLASS_NO and the STOP CLASS_NO.

Key a Number

To edit an entry, enter its line number. When an entry is selected, the system asks for the value for each data element as described under ADD an entry, above. For each one, the current value is offered as the default value. If you do not wish to change the value for a particular data element, press <RETURN> without entering a new value.

D > DELETE an entry

Select this option to remove an entry from the table. The system will not ask for confirmation before it removes the entry.

V > VIEW an entry

Select this option to view an entry in the SCAT FILE MAINTENANCE file. The system will display output similar to:

END CLASS NO: 0199.999

S > SORT by Category / S > SORT by Call #

When initially displayed, the SCAT table is in call number order. Select S > SORT by Category to change the view of the entries to CATEGORY order:

              SCAT FILE MAINTENANCE (Main Collection)                      
01 >     0000           0099.999      1     000 - 99.999
02 >     0100           0199.999      2     100 - 199.999 & 400s
03 >     0400           0499.999      2     (400s incl in CAT 2)
04 >     0200           0299.999      3     200 - 299.999
05 >     0300           0399.999      4     300 - 399.999
06 >     0500           0599.999      5     500s
07 > A   0000       A   9999.999      6     A & BF - BG 9999.999
08 > BG  0000       BG  9999.999      6     (BGs incl in CAT 6)
09 > B   0000       BE  9999.999      7     B - BE 9999.999
10 > BH  0000       BK  9999.999      8     BH - BK 9999.999
11 > BL  0000       BM  0049.999      9     BL -BM 49.999
12 > BM  0050       BO  9999.999     10     BM 50 - BO 9999.999
13 >     0600           0699.999     11     600 - 699.999 & BPs
14 > BP  0000       BP  9999.999     11     (BPs incl in CAT 11)
15 > BQ  0000       BQ  9999.999     12     BQ - BQ 9999.999
16 >     0700           0700.999     13     700 - 700.999

  Key a number or
  S > SORT by Call #    N > Change Table NAME        Q > QUIT
  P > PRINT             T > Change Table Index TAG   + > ADDITIONAL options
  Choose one (1-16,F,B,J,A,D,S,P,N,T,Q,+)

When a SCAT table is displayed in CATEGORY order, the wording of the sort menu option changes to S > SORT by Call #. Select this option to return to call number order.

N > Change Table NAME

Select this option to change the name of a table (e.g., "Main Collection" in the above sample table). If the system is setup in more than one language you are asked to specify a name in each language.

T > Change Table Index TAG

Use this option to assign one or more index tags (e.g., 'c' for LC or 'g' for government documents) to a SCAT table. The system only looks up the call numbers which belong in the index(es) associated with a SCAT table. Note that index tags are entered here, not field group tag (although the two types of tags are usually the same, they can be different). The list of tags can be separated by commas, or not, as desired.

Statistical Reports When There Are Multiple SCAT Tables

When reports are generated, the system produces one statistical report for each SCAT table which a library has. The reports are displayed sequentially and you can page through them and/or print them. If one or more call numbers does not appear in the index(es) associated with a given SCAT table, or, if the table does not cover the entire range of call numbers, the system provides a total for those call numbers which were not found in the table.

Examples (using the following portion of a SCAT table):

001 > A   0000       A   0000          1
002 > A   0001       A   1000          2
003 > A   1001       B   0000          6
004 > B   0001       BF  0000          7
005 > BF  0001       BH  0000          6
006 > BH  0001       BL  0000          8
007 > BL  0001       BM  0000          9
008 > BM  0001       BP  0000         10
009 > BP  0001       BQ  0000         11
010 > BQ  0001       BR  0000         12
011 > BR  0001       C   0000         13
012 > C   0001       CC  0001         14
013 > CC  0002       CC  0200         15
014 > CC  0201       D   0000         16
015 > D   0001       DA  0000         17
016 > DA  0001       DB  0000         18
017 > DB  0001       DC  0001         19
018 > DC  0002       DC  0400         20
019 > DC  0401       DD  0000         21
020 > DD  0001       DE  0000         22
021 > DE  0001       HQ  1060        219
022 > DF  0501       DG  0000         24
023 > DG  0001       DH  0000         25

The following are samples of reports generated using this SCAT table:

Portion of Statistical Report based on CALL numbers from "Management Information"

              STATISTICS REPORT -- On the fly full bib 102094jjj
       Number of records processed : 2165;  # of unused Record #'s : 38

Call Numbers                                       # of Records

call # A1001-B0000,BF0001-BH0000                             41
       B0001-BF0000                                          31
       BH0001-BL0000                                          1
       BL0001-BM0000                                          3
       BR0001-C0000                                          27
       C0001-CC0001                                           6
       CC0201-D0000,DS0001-DX0000                            35
       D0001-DA0000                                          26
       DA0001-DB0000                                         16
       DB0001-DC0001                                          3
       DC0002-DC0400                                          5
       DD0001-DE0000                                          9
       DG0001-DH0000,DP0001-DQ0000                           13

The columns in the screen below contain the category number, category description, percentage of total checked out items from each category, and number of checked out items from each category.

                                ALL LOCATIONS
                ----- Oct 19,94 -----
   CALL NUMBER                            %           #
    6 A1001-B0000,BF0001-BH0000           1.7%         29
    7 B0001-BF0000                        1.9%         32
    8 BH0001-BL0000                       1.3%         22
    9 BL0001-BM0000                       1.2%         20
   10 BM0001-BP0000                       1.1%         18
   12 BQ0001-BR0000                       0.1%          1
   13 BR0001-C0000                        1.4%         23
   14 C0001-CC0001                        0.2%          3
   16 CC0201-D0000,DS0001-DX0000          1.1%         19
   17 D0001-DA0000                        0.2%          4
   18 DA0001-DB0000                       0.6%         10
   19 DB0001-DC0001                       0.1%          1
   20 DC0002-DC0400                       0.2%          4
   22 DD0001-DE0000                       0.1%          1