Print shelflist, with circulation status

To have the system prepare a shelflist from the call number file in its database, choose P > PRINT shelflist, with circulation statusfrom the Inventory Control menu.

You can create a list that contains:

You can print the list and then compare it to the order in which items are actually shelved.

When you choose this option, the system prompts for the item with which to begin the shelflist:

Start with which item?

Specify an item using any indexed field in the item record or bibliographic record, or wand an item barcode.

The system then offers the option to produce a list of randomly selected items from a particular location with a particular set of statuses.

Print Random Sample? (y/n)

If you choose to print a random sample, you will be offered a special set of selection criteria.

If you choose not to print a random sample, the system asks for the number of items to be included in the shelflist:

Review how many items? (1-5000)

Enter a number of items (up to the limit of 5,000).

To verify that the correct information has been specified, the system displays the call number you entered and the number of items to review along with the following menu:

                          Shelf List Inventory Report

Start with call number TJ163.5 D86 R47
Review how many items? 3000

I > INCLUDE only items at Juvenile
S > Off-shelf STATUS codes
B > BEGIN printing shelflist
Choose one (I,S,B,Q)

Choose the B > BEGIN printing shelflist menu option.

B > BEGIN printing shelf-list

Choose B > BEGIN printing shelf-list to begin printing the shelflist.

The system fills the screen with a series of dots as it processes records for the report. When the system is done processing, it displays the Shelf List Inventory report. You can print this report and compare it to the titles that are physically on the shelves. Each item listed as OK on shelf should be on the library's shelves.

This report lists each item in the specified range in call number order. Multiple items that share the same bibliographic record call number appear in the order in which they are displayed on the Summary tab of the bibliographic record. Note that this is not necessarily the volume or copy number order.

An item's inventory Status as shown in the report is based on the code in the STATUS field of the Item record.


 Beginning bar code and call #   35001000000494  HJ2050 .A412
 Ending bar code and call #      35001000002921  HC57 .A4 672 p. il

    Total number of items that exist in this range   5000

    Number currently checked out                      246
    Number of items with non-blank status              42
    Number expected to be on the shelf               4712


      Status      Bar code  Call number          Title
1. OK on shelf    0494     HJ2050 .A412      Omnibus Budget Recon
2. OK ST = m      8972     HJ2050 .A42       President Reagan's f
3. OK on shelf    9566     HJ2050 .A42 1983  President Reagan's f
4. OK ST = z      9525     HJ2050 .A42 1984  President Reagan's f
F > FORWARD one screen      B > BACK one screen     P > PRINT
L > LAST screen             Q > QUIT
Choose one (F,L,B,P,Q)

The following codes indicate the circulation status of the item as stored in the item record:

OK on shelfOn-shelf. The item is not checked out, or the status of the item is NOT an "off-shelf" status.
OK checked outChecked out. The item is checked out. Checked-out items do not appear in a random sample shelflist.
OK ST = [code]STATUS=[code]. The item is not checked-out and the item's STATUS field is [code].

Note that all items in the printed Shelf List report are listed as "OK". However, these items are not necessarily "OK", because the system-generated shelflist has not yet been compared against the items which are physically on the shelves. If you have a portable barcode reader,see Comparing Scanned Inventory Data to Shelf Lists.