Compare file of barcodes to shelflist

The C > COMPARE file of barcodes to shelflist option in the Inventory Control menu allows you to compare a previously-obtained file of barcodes in shelflist order to the shelflist maintained in the system database .

Before selecting this option, use a portable barcode reader to scan the barcodes of the items on the shelves, or some group of shelves, in the order in which the items are actually positioned there.

Manually Compiling Files

To manually compile a file to upload and process, see Formatting Transaction Files for Uploading: rd* File Formats.

Transfer the inventory data in the barcode reader to the system using an appropriate file transfer software. See B321 File Transfer Software on CSDirect to download B321 File Transfer Software.

Have the system compare the list of items actually on the shelves (represented by the data transferred from the barcode reader) with what it expects to find on the shelves based on its shelf list file (i.e., the call number index). The system considers the circulation status of each item (e.g., checked out, etc.), then prints a report which notes misshelved, checked-out, and missing items.

Shelving Assumptions

In determining whether items are misshelved, the system assumes that the call number of each title is fairly "standard", and that items are shelved by call number (not, for example, by title). Call numbers are expected to be unique.

In the case of multiple volumes, the system assumes that:

  • the physical sequence of the volumes is reflected in the order in which the items are attached to the bibliographic record; i.e. the item record for volume 4 is the 4th item attached to its bibliographic record. (See Changing the Link Order of Records Attached to the Bibliographic Record for instructions on rearranging the order in which records are attached to a bibliographic record.)
  • all volumes for a particular call number are attached to the same bibliographic record.
Exact Barcode Matching

The system can have difficulty comparing barcodes of varying lengths. By default, it interprets shorter barcodes as subsets of other, longer barcodes (e.g., barcode 12249 appears in both barcode 122491 and 122498).

If your library uses barcodes that vary in length, contact the Help Desk. Innovative can modify your system to perform exact barcode matching. When exact barcode matching is enabled, your system will be able to process shorter barcodes normally.

When you select the C > COMPARE file of barcodes to shelf list menu option, the system displays the name of each file of data transferred from a portable barcode reader and asks you to choose one for processing (see display below). The files are listed in the order in which they were transferred to the system with the most recent at the top.

If a file has been transferred via Xmodem, it will be named rdi plus an ID # assigned by the system. If you are using the system File Transfer Software product to transfer files to the system, each file will be named rdi plus the name you assign at the time of the transfer.

                         Shelf List Inventory Report                       

              Files To Compare    Date Created        # of Items
          1 > rdi0110124750       01-10-96 12:47PM    564
          2 > rdi0117020055       01-17-96 02:00PM    570
          3 > rdi0117123340       01-17-96 12:33PM    1684
          4 > rdi1213035150       12-13-95 03:51PM    53
          5 > rdi1213122353       12-13-95 12:23PM    1053
          6 > rdi1219082058       12-19-95 08:20AM    170

Key a NUMBER(1-6) to compare file, or
R > REMOVE inventory files                Q > QUIT
V > VIEW an inventory file
N > NAME inventory file
Choose one (1-6,R,V,Q)


To produce the Inventory Report, enter a line number associated with a file.

R > REMOVE inventory files

Choose this menu option to delete unneeded inventory files from the system. The system prompts:

Remove which file? (1-4)_

Enter the line number associated with the file you want to remove.

V > VIEW an inventory file

Choose this menu option to look at the list of barcodes gathered by the barcode reader. The system prompts:

Which file to view? (1-4)_

Enter the line number associated with a file. The system displays the file. For example:

                         Inventory File rdi0110124750

Choose one (P,Q)

Choose P > PRINT to print this list.

Choose Q > QUIT to return to the Shelf List Inventory Report screen.

N > NAME inventory file

Choose this menu option to rename an inventory file. You will be prompted:

Which file to rename? (1-6)

Enter the line number associated with a file. The system prompts:

Enter new name: rdi_____

The cursor moves to the position immediately after the prefix letters, if any. The prefix letters may not be changed. You may use both numerals and letters of the alphabet in renaming your file.


Choose this menu option to quit from the Shelf List Inventory display. The system prompts:

Remove inventory file? (y/n)

Answering 'y' permanently deletes the file.