Daily Record Link Maintenance

Your system can run the Daily Record LINK Maintenance process overnight to reduce load during peak use hours. Contact Innovative to automate the daily update of location relationships.

By default, the Daily Record LINK Maintenance option updates bibliographic records based on attached item, holdings, and order records for any record logged to the Daily Link Maintenance file. However, some libraries might want to exclude order records from Daily Record LINK Maintenance, updating bibliographic records based only on the attached holdings and item records. Contact Innovative to set this parameter for your system.

The Daily Record LINK Maintenance function in Admin Corner updates location relationships for a specific set of bibliographic records. Large libraries that require frequent record link updates can use this function for faster, more efficient processing.

This function updates location relationships for the bibliographic records in the system-generated Daily Link Maintenance file only. (For information on updating all bibliographic records in the database, see UPDATE locations in bibliographic records.)

This function uses the location associations defined in the Campus/Branch Location Mapping file. For more information, see EXAMINE location mapping table.

Related Features
  • If this function is enabled at your library, the System Status screen includes a message showing how many bibliographic records might require updating, that is, how many records are in the Daily Link Maintenance file.
  • If the overnight Daily Record LINK Maintenance feature has been configured, library staff can view the resulting Link Maintenance Report.

When you choose Daily Record LINK Maintenance, the system:

  1. Displays the number of records to process and prompts you to begin the update.

    For example:

    9999 record(s) to process.
    Begin processing? (y/n)

  2. Reports on its progress as it checks the locations of the bibliographic records in the Daily Link Maintenance file.
  3. At the end of the process, reports how many records were actually updated; that is, the number of bibliographic records that had their LOCATION field updated.

    For example:

    Updating attached records alphabetically by location...
    Type "s" to stop
    Current record :  b0018486
    5140       of 9999 records
    123       records changed