UPDATE locations in bibliographic records

Updating Location Relationships for Multiple Record Types

This system function deletes existing location information in the bibliographic record and recreates it based on the information in the attached record type you choose. Consequently, if you run this function based on item records, and then run it again choosing holdings (checkin) records, only the results of the second run are retained. If you want to run this function on two types of records simultaneously, such as item and holdings records, contact the Innovative Help Desk to configure your system appropriately.

To update the campus/branch location relationships for a group of records:

  1. Choose UPDATE locations in bibliographic records in Admin Corner. The system displays the following options:

    R > RANGE of record numbers
    B > BOOLEAN review file
    E > EXAMINE location mapping table
    Q > QUIT
    Choose one (R,B,E,Q)

  2. Choose one of the following options:
    R > RANGE of record numbers
    Process a range of records.
    B > BOOLEAN review file
    Process records from a review file.

    Innovative does not recommend running this process over the entire catalog during normal circulating hours since it can affect system service.

  3. Choose the type(s) of attached record locations to check against the bibliographic record locations:
Selected review file: Bibs with location "genrl", 11.93

		Choose type of record to be examined:

		I > ITEM
		A > ALL
		Q > QUIT

	Choose one (C,I,O,A,Q)

For example, press A to check the locations for all attached records. The system prompts:

Record type: Checkin, Item, Order
Begin processing? (y/n) y

The UPDATE function reports on its progress as it checks the locations of the bibliographic records with the locations of the specified attached record types:

          Updating attached records alphabetically by location...

Review file: Bibs with location "genrl", 12.93
Record type    : Checkin, Item, Order

Type s to stop

Current record :  b1455126
	1570        of 19274 records
117        records changed

After the process has finished, the system reports how many records were actually updated (that is, the number of bibliographic records that had their LOCATION field updated), how many deleted records were skipped, and how many records could not be examined. The system prompts:

Would you like to view records that could not be examined? (y/n)

  1. To see a listing of records that could not be examined, enter 'y' (yes). The system displays a report similar to the following:

1) Record .b10001657: in use by system
2) Record .b10027026: in use by system
3) Record .b10046793: in use by system
4) Record .b1005098x: in use by system

See also:
How Updating Location Relationships Works