EXAMINE location mapping table

The Campus/Branch Location Mapping file defines valid specific ("branch") locations for each general ("campus") location. The system uses this file when updating location relationships.

To edit existing entries or to add new entries to this file:

  1. Choose UPDATE locations in bibliographic records in Admin Corner.
  2. Choose EXAMINE location mapping table. The system displays Campus/Branch Location Mapping file.

    For example:

        Bib location     Locations in item, checkin or order record
    1 > genrl            jama
    2 > north            cohen art   jame  pern
    3 > south            jamc  jamv  pers
    4 > centr            refa  refo  resv  
      Key a number or
      A > ADD a bib location                         Q > QUIT
      D > DELETE a bib location
      Choose one (1-4,A,D,Q)

    Each entry in this file consists of a bibliographic (campus) location code, followed by a list of one or more branch locations that "belong" to that campus location.

    Each item (branch) location can be associated with a maximum of 32 bibliographic (campus) locations.

  3. To create a new Bib location list, select the A > ADD a bib location option.
  4. To add a location to the list of locations that belong to a campus, enter the number of the desired Bib location.
See also:
UPDATE locations in bibliographic records