Cataloging Administration Overview

To set up Cataloging in Polaris, you grant the appropriate permissions to your cataloging staff, set profiles and parameters that control automated processes, and define/modify entries in database and policy tables.

Polaris Administration settings control how Polaris data is categorized, used, and stored, and what functions are available to staff and patrons. You can make most administration settings by two methods: through the Administration Explorer, and through the appropriate workform for a specific record. You use profiles and parameters to control automated processes, set defaults, indicate the default directory for reports, and specify whether deleted records are retained in the database. In addition, you can set staff members’ profiles to allow them to override blocks in Cataloging.

When you set up Cataloging, you use policy and database tables to customize duplicate detection, define tags to retain when records are overlaid, define the order in which fields are checked for the call number and price, and make other settings.

See these topics: