Administering MARC Validation and Display

Displaying diacritics in MARC records requires certain fonts to be installed. For more information, see Enabling Language Display/Entry in Cataloging.

In Polaris, MARC records are validated according to rules defined in the system-level profiles: MARC Validation Bibliographic and MARC Validation Authority. These rules are applied when new records are created, and when existing records are saved or checked for MARC format. They are also applied to imported records when the option to perform MARC validation is selected in the import profile.

The MARC validation profiles also specify the sort order and the display names for MARC tags in the MARC21 view of the Bibliographic Record and Authority Record workforms. You can edit validation rules and change the display names and sort order of MARC tags using these profiles, but all changes are applied to every organization in your library system. However, you can use separate profiles at the library or branch level to turn off MARC validation, tag display names, or automatic sorting.

See the following topics for information on setting up MARC validation and MARC display to apply to records in your library system:

See the following topics for information on turning off MARC validation, MARC tag display, and MARC tag sorting for a specific library or branch:

You can also specify whether to perform automatic MARC re-indexing when the server is upgraded by selecting Yes or No for the system-level cataloging parameter MARC re-index during next system upgrade. See Managing MARC Re-indexing.