Enabling Language Display/Entry in Cataloging

If you have the required Cataloging permissions, you can use the MARC Editor to enter text, including international characters and diacritics, on the MARC21 view of the Bibliographic and Authority workforms. These characters are defined in the MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media (2007). The Unicode international characters are stored in UTF-16 and displayed in the Polaris user interface.

The MARC Editor uses the Segoe font by default. If a character does not exist in Segoe, a different font that supports that Unicode character will be used to display the character, provided that font has been installed on the workstation. The fonts are included in the language service packs from Microsoft. If Segoe and the other fonts used to display the characters are not installed, the MARC Editor will use Arial Unicode.

If the cataloging workstation is being used to catalog primarily in a specific language, you may want to change the keyboard input setting. Enter diacritics/characters using an IME keyboard.