Copying Bib Data to Items

You can set Polaris Administration Cataloging profiles to copy the call number and price from bibliographic records to their linked items. Then you use database tables to specify the order in which the bibliographic fields are checked for the call number and price.

If the Bring call number fields from bib to item record when link is made profile (available at all organization levels and the staff member level) is set to Yes , call number information in bibliographic records is copied to the linked item records according to settings in the Item Create Call Number Hierarchy database table. When a new item record is created and linked to a bibliographic record, the bibliographic record’s call number tags are checked based on the item's shelving scheme and assigned branch. The system uses the Item Create Call Number Hierarchy database table settings for the assigned branch and shelving scheme to copy the call number fields and subfields from the bibliographic record.

For information on creating on-order items with call numbers when releasing purchase orders, see Setting Up EDI Ordering.

The fields are copied to item records as follows:

If the profile, Bring price from bib to item record when link is made is set to Yes, the price in bibliographic records is copied to the linked item records according to the settings in the Item Create Price Hierarchy database table. When a new item record is created and linked to a bibliographic record, the bibliographic record’s tags and subfields are checked for a price in the order specified in the Item Create Price Hierarchy database table.

See also: