Setting Up EDI Ordering

Innovative Interfaces offers a separately-licensed set of services for setting up, implementing, and supporting Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ordering and invoicing. EDI services include support for Enriched EDI orders, shelf-ready items, and Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN). If you are interested in implementing EDI ordering through Polaris Acquisitions, contact your Polaris Site Manager.

Once you have implemented EDI with a supplier, your library can send electronic purchase orders and receive acknowledgments and invoices electronically (and advanced shipping notices, if the supplier produces them) using electronic data interchange (EDI) and Polaris Acquisitions.

After the supplier receives the EDI order, an electronic order acknowledgment is put into the library’s account folder on the supplier’s FTP server. If the supplier can produce Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) files, an ASN is also put into this folder when the order is prepared for shipment.

Then, when the order is filled, the electronic invoice is put into this folder. The SQL job PolarisEDIAgent retrieves the files from the supplier’s FTP server and loads them into a directory in Polaris,creating an invoice with the suffix EDI. The purchase order acknowledgment file (POA) is used to create the Electronic Purchase Order Acknowledgment report, the ASN file is used to receive shipments in bulk, and the invoice file is used to create the EDI invoice record in Polaris.

See also:

About the Polaris EDIAgent Job

You can change the EDIAgent schedule through SQL Server Enterprise Manager. For more information on the EDIAgent and SQL jobs, see the Polaris Permission Groups - Default Permissions Reference.

The SQL job, Polaris EDIAgent, runs on a default schedule of 8:00 a.m. every morning and scans the supplier’s FTP server looking for files in the library’s directory. The EDIAgent identifies the supplier’s FTP server by the address in the FTP Address field and the library’s directory by the Username and Password fields in the Supplier record.

The first time the EDIAgent is run, it creates the EDINew directory (C:ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\datalink\EDIAgent\EDINew) and the EDIDone directory (C:ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\datalink\EDIAgent\EDIDone). (The datalink portion of the file path depends on how your library server is set up.)

When the EDIAgent finds electronic purchase order acknowledgment, invoice, or advanced shipping notice files in the library’s account directory on the supplier’s FTP server, it retrieves them and loads them into the EDINew directory (or any other directory specified in the Polaris Administration Acquisitions profile Default directory). Once the files are loaded into the SQL database, they are moved to the EDIDone directory. If any of these steps fail, the errors are logged in the event viewer.

If available, the files retrieved by the EDIAgent are used as follows:

EDIAgent and EDIFTP Logs

The EDIAgent and EDIFTP log files are saved in the following location: C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\Logs\SQLJobs.

When the EDIAgent runs, one file for each EDI-enabled Polaris supplier record will be created (or overwritten if already created for the supplier) and saved in the EDIFTP folder. If the EDIAgent log reports a connection failure, a Polaris representative or authorized library staff member can use the supplier ID to find the file in the EDIFTP folder.

EDIAgent Log and FTP Message Examples

If the FTP transmission is successful and files are retrieved, the EDIAgent log provides information regarding the date and time the EDIAgent ran, the information retrieved for each supplier, and the EDI Invoice e-mail sent to the library staff member. If the FTP transmission is successful, but no files were available for retrieval, the EDIAgent log indicates that the transmission was successful, but no files were retrieved. If the FTP transmission is unsuccessful, the EDIAgent shows the error, and the EDIFTP file for the supplier contains more details regarding the problem.

Began Executing 2017-04-30 10:35:13

Start EDI expired data cleanup [SQLSTATE 01000]

Errno     0

finished EDI expired data cleanup [SQLSTATE 01000]

Run the EDIAgent executable [SQLSTATE 01000]


Accessing FTP Server for Supplier ID: 77

InternetConnect - File Transfer on FTP Server successful.

Accessing FTP Server for Supplier ID: 234

InternetConnect - File Transfer on FTP Server successful.

Accessing FTP Server for Supplier ID: 296

InternetConnect - File Transfer on FTP Server successful.

Processing files AudioBookR2.txt

Copying file AudioBookR2.txt to Done directory

Processing files AudioGoR2.txt

Copying file AudioGoR2.txt to Done directory

Processing files BrodartR2.txt

Copying file BrodartR2.txt to Done directory

Processing files BTR2.txt

Copying file BTR2.txt to Done directory

Processing files FindAwayR2.txt

Copying file FindAwayR2.txt to Done directory

exiting EDIAgent

There were no errors in the EDIAgent process, invoice creation starting [SQLSTATE 01000]

Emailing file at location: "C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\EDIAgent\EDIInvoiceResults_FindawayWorld_SAL.log" To =; From = [SQLSTATE 01000]

Apr 30 2017 10:35AM ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Polaris\[version]\Bin\PolarisEmailer.exe" Newman-R2 ";" "" EDIInvoiceResults_FindawayWorld_SAL.log "C:\ProgramData\Polaris\4.1R2\EDIAgent\EDIInvoiceResults_FindawayWorld_SAL.log"" [SQLSTATE 01000]



Apr 30 2017 10:35AM Edi Agent Invoice Creation Successful [SQLSTATE 01000]

Apr 30 2017 10:35AM Edi Agent completed with no errors. [SQLSTATE 01000]

Starting EDIFTP - 4/17/2017 9:24:56 AM

Number of files retrieved: 0

Finishing EDIFTP - 4/17/2017 9:24:57 AM

Starting EDIFTP - 4/17/2017 9:30:21 AM

This EDI Agent FTP experienced the following error.

Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (530) Not logged in.

Response Status: 530 Not logged in.

If error code = 530, check username and password.

Number of files retrieved: 0

Finishing EDIFTP - 4/17/2017 9:30:22 AM

Prepare for EDI Ordering

To enable EDI ordering with Polaris, your IT staff verifies that orders can be sent via FTP; your administrator grants permissions, sets EDI invoice defaults and verifies the library SAN is in the Branch workform; and your library staff member contacts the suppliers that accept EDI orders, contacts your Polaris representative, and sets up supplier records.

Prepare for EDI Ordering - IT Staff

Prepare for EDI Ordering - Polaris Administrator

Prepare for EDI Ordering - Library Staff

You may also want to check the supplier’s limit for the number of characters in an EDI purchase order number. Polaris automatically checks the purchase order length and blocks the release of the order if it exceeds the supplier’s limit.

Some suppliers use the account number in the EDI transmission, while others use a SAN as the account number.

  • Supplier’s Standard Address Number (SAN)

  • Library’s Account number

  • Username

  • Password

  • Supplier’s FTP address

  • Supplier’s purchase order directory for incoming EDI orders

  • Supplier’s POA/ INV directory for outgoing purchase order acknowledgments and invoices

  • Supplier’s purchase order file extension

If you are implementing ASN processing with a supplier to whom you have already sent EDI orders, before you enable ASN in the supplier record, make sure the Hold partial shipment invoices are created for the day when ASN processing will begin by following these steps:

  • Ask the supplier the exact date when they will start producing ASN files.
  • In the morning of the day the ASN processing will begin, wait until the Polaris EDIAgent has run and all remaining EDI invoices for that supplier have been created automatically. If your library does not process partial EDI invoices separately (the Hold partial shipments box is unchecked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile), skip the next step.
  • If the Hold partial shipment box is checked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile for your library organization, go to the Process EDI Invoice workform as soon as the EDIAgent runs, and create the invoices for this supplier.
  • After the invoices are created automatically via the EDIAgent, or manually via the Process EDI Invoices workform, enable ASN processing by checking the ASN box in the Supplier Record workform. See Enter the supplier’s EDI ordering data.

Setting Up Importing and Bulk Adding

Importing bibliographic records with 970 subfield data and then bulk adding them to a purchase order is the most efficient way to create purchase orders in Polaris, whether or not the orders are sent via EDI. When bibliographic records are bulk added to a purchase order, the bibliographic title-level information creates each purchase order line item, and the following subfield data in the 970 tags creates the distribution grid, or segments, for each line item:

The collection information, material type, and non-public note are not required to create a segment.

The subfields can be in any order in the 970 tag.

If a price is not in the MARC record’s 970 $p, the system checks for the price in the following tags:

To set up importing and bulk adding in Polaris, the Polaris Administrator grants permissions for importing and bulk adding, and sets up Administration profiles and parameters. Library staff members set up the distribution grids at suppliers’ web sites and set up import profiles for acquisitions.

Set Up Importing & Bulk Adding - Polaris Administrator

Set Up Importing & Bulk Adding - Library Staff

You can clean up 970 tags that are marked as processed using the Polaris Administration profile $9 Cleanup Utility. See Set up the Subfield 9 cleanup utility.

  • Bulk Add to PO: Replace Invalid Fields with Default Data - This parameter specifies default information that is used to create segments if data is missing in the imported records’ 970 tags. If you are using a Web-based selection tool at your supplier’s site, you can set this parameter to No so missing or inaccurate information appears in the import log, rather than creating default segments in your purchase orders.
  • Bulk add to PO/SL: Mark 970 data as processed - Set this parameter to Yes so that each 970 tag is updated with a subfield 9 ($9) indicating the date and time the tag was used to create a line item segment. If the title is ordered again using the same bibliographic record, the previous 970 tags will not be used again and new 970 tags will be used to create the purchase order line item segments. it is recommended that you leave this set to Yes (the default setting).
  • Bulk Add to PO: Add Alert to PO line item for multiple ISBNs
    This parameter specifies whether the Alert checkbox is automatically checked for purchase order line items created from bulk-added bibliographic records with more than one ISBN. We recommend that you leave it set to Yes (the default).