Receive Using the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)

To receive shipments for which an ASN has been received:

For more information on the ASN, see Receiving Orders.

  1. Select Acquisitions > EDI Services > Receive ASN Shipments.
  2. The Receive ASN Shipments workform opens.

  3. To change the branch location selected in the Filter By Organization box, select a different branch or select All.
  4. Search for the ASN using one of the following methods:
    • Select ASN tracking barcode, and scan the barcode located on the label attached to the outside of the carton. Or, type the number that displays under the barcode.
    • Select Supplier SAN, and type the supplier’s SAN.
    • Select ASN date range, and select a from and to date.
  5. Click Go.
  6. The top section of the workform displays the shipment information in the following columns:

    • Tracking barcode
    • Shipped date
    • Supplier
    • Carrier
  7. Select a tracking barcode in the top section of the workform.
  8. The line item information for the selected shipment appears in the bottom section of the workform in the following columns:

    • Tracking barcode
    • Title
    • Author
    • ISBN/UPC
    • Ordered (the quantity ordered)
    • Shipped (the quantity shipped from the ASN)
    • Received/ASN Received (the quantity received)
    • PO Line ID
    • Line Status
    • PO Number
    • PO Release (date)

    To link to the purchase order or purchase order line item, select a line item in the bottom portion of the workform, right-click and select Links.

  9. Click Receive Carton.
  10. The line items are received. The corresponding number of copies are received in the linked purchase order line item. If the Polaris Administration Acquisitions profile Receiving line items: Warn if linked hold requests is set to Yes, a message displays for titles that have hold requests.

Printing Workslips When Receiving ASN Shipments

The Polaris Administration Acquisitions parameter Batch print workslips during ASN receiving must be set to Yes to allow the printing of workslips from the Receive ASN Shipments workform.

After receiving on the Receive ASN Shipments workform, you can print purchase order line item workslips. If multiple copies of the same title are received in separate cartons, only one workslip is printed for the title. To print purchase order line item workslips from the Receive ASN Shipments workform, select File > Print > PO Line Item Workslips, or select the down arrow next to the printer icon, and select PO Line Item Workslips.

ASN and EDI Invoices

If the ASN Shipments option is selectedin the supplier record, the following invoice processing occurs:

ASN Reports

The following standard reports are available from the Polaris Shortcut Bar under Utilities > Reports and Notices > Acquisitions:

For more information, see Acquisitions Reports.

Update on-order item records

When you release a purchase order, you can opt to create on-order item records. These item records can be updated in the following ways: