Receiving Orders

To accommodate various ordering and receiving workflows, Polaris offers the following methods for receiving:

Receive a complete order - The shipment arrives at the library, and it matches the order exactly. All copies of all the titles ordered are included in the shipment.

Receive an incomplete order - The shipment arrives at the library, but the number of copies in the shipment does not match the number of copies in the order. You can receive an incomplete order as follows:

Receive line items from the invoice via Rapid Receipt - The shipment arrives at the library, and it contains materials that may have been ordered on various purchase orders. Start from a blank Invoice workform and pull in the matching purchase order line items, which simultaneously adds the line items to the invoice and receives the linked purchase order line items. Rapid Receipt may be used to receive purchase order line items. If the purchase order line items have not already been copied to an invoice, it can be pulled into the Rapid Receipt dialog. Additionally, the purchase order line item must have one of the following statuses: Backordered, Exceptional condition, Return requested, On order, Out of print, Received, Not yet published, Claimed, Never published, Pending Claim, or Returned.

If the purchase order line has already been received, the system will not update again the purchase order line status to Received. The status remains Received, and the status date is set to the date of the first time the line was Received.

Receive from an approval plan An arrangement with a publisher or vendor to send materials automatically. With an approval plan, it is not necessary for the library to order each title individually, and titles that are not considered appropriate may be returned by the library. An approval plan with a vendor is usually an agreement that the library will receive current imprints selected for the library on the basis of a detailed profile. or blanket order invoice - The shipment arrives at the library for a blanket order or approval plan invoice that has no linked purchase order. You can receive an approval plan or blanket order invoice at the invoice line item segment level where you can enter the quantity ordered and the quantity received.

Receive an EDI order automatically - To use this method, the Update linked purchase order line items to received box must be selected on the EDI Invoice Defaults profile in Polaris Administration. As soon as the Polaris EDI invoice is automatically created from the supplier’s invoice file, the linked purchase order line items are updated to a Received status. The EDI Invoice Defaults profile can also be set to update the circulation status of the linked on-order items. If you do not want partial shipment invoices to be created automatically, you can select the Hold partial shipments option. See Set up EDI invoice defaults.

Receive an EDI order from the invoice - If your library policy requires the shipment of materials to be at the library before the order is received, leave the Update linked PO line item to received box unchecked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile. See Set up EDI invoice defaults. The EDI invoice is still created automatically, but the linked purchase order line items are not received automatically. See Receive line items from an invoice.

Receive an EDI order from the Receive ASN Shipments workform - If the supplier can provide an ASN (X12 transaction set 856) with shipment information, you can receive materials by scanning the tracking barcode on the outside of the carton. You create and transmit an order to a supplier that produces ASN files the same way you create and send any EDI order. The linked supplier record contains the ASN setting. After the EDI order is received and processed, the supplier outputs the ASN file to the library’s directory on the supplier’s FTP server. The Polaris EDIAgent utility scans this directory, retrieves the ASN file, and loads the data into Polaris.

Receive an Enriched EDI order from the Check In Shelf-Ready materials workform - If your library sends enriched EDI orders, circulation staff can receive shipments of shelf-ready items, which updates the circulation status of the items so they can circulate and receives the linked purchase order line item segments at the same time. See Checking In Shelf-Ready Items.

Serials subscriptions or standing orders are received in the Serials subsystem. See Checking In Serials.

See also: