Managing Hold Requests
Use the Request parameter, Hold options, to specify how your library organization manages holds. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the System, and click the Request tab in the details view. Then, double-click Holds options to open the Hold Options dialog box.
See also:
- Set Holds options: Charge for hold requests
- Set Holds options: Expiration and Unclaim limits, Deletion options
- Set Holds options: Enabling, Item Status Restrictions, First Available Copy
- Set Holds options: Exclude pickup branches
- Set Holds options: Enable patrons to change the holds pickup branch from the PAC
- Set Holds options: Preferred borrowers branches
- Set Holds options: Alerts and blocks
- Set Holds options: Trapping preferences, queue settings
To allow renewals when an item is out to a patron but there are hold requests with certain statuses, the renewal is blocked by default. You can change the setting to allow renewals of these items as long as the item is not the only one available to fill the request. See Allow renewals for items with hold requests.
To prevent holds from being placed on a specific item, see Restrict holds on specific items.
To allow patrons to place multiple holds at once from Polaris PowerPAC working or saved title lists, see Bulk Hold Requests from Polaris PowerPAC Title Lists.