Authority Record Display

To view Authority records, you must be assigned at least one of the following permissions:

  • 077 (Serials check-in)
  • 083 (Routing list maintenance)
  • 088 (Claim overdue issues)
  • 089 (Bind serials)
  • 111 (View authority records)
  • 112 (Create authority records)
  • 114 (Update authority records)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In Sierra, the bibliographic record browse display can contain authority records. When you highlight an authority record in a browse display, the application displays authority record information in the top portion of the window, including the type of authority. Contact Innovative if you want to change which fields display on your system.

You cannot select an authority record from the browse display. Sierra disables the Select button.

Above the brief display of the authority record, Sierra offers a toolbar containing the following options:

Loads the currently selected record into a separate window so that you can edit the entire record.
Disabled for authority records.
Disabled for authority records.
Disabled for authority records.
See also:
Editing Records