Holdings Update Identifiers Table

To edit the Holdings Update Identifiers file, you must be assigned permission 695 (Edit Holdings Update Identifiers). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 695, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can create a list of up to 100 commonly-used identifiers. This list will appear as a drop-down list in the Suppliers dialog of Coverage Load function.

You can access the Holdings Update Identifiers table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Serials | Holdings Update Identifiers

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Moving Identifiers
You can re-order the list of identifiers at any time. Select the entry you want to change and choose the Move button. The Enter Target Row dialog allows you to specify the new position in the list for that entry.

Data Elements

Entries in the Holdings Update Identifiers table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Identifiers The name for the holdings update identifier. Identifiers are limited to 12 characters. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.