Renewing Checkouts Confirmation Page

Command link:     None
HTML document:  renew_checkouts_confirm.html

This form controls the display of the confirmation screen used by the WebPAC when a user renews checked-out items. If this file exists, the system uses this form rather than the default display. This form uses the following tokens:

<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the TOPLOGO Web option.
<--{confirm_renew_msg}--> The system replaces this token with the system message notifying that the user is about to renew checked-out items. This message is controlled by the MSG_CONFIRM_RENEW value in the User Messages Configuration (messages.conf) file.
<--{checkoutform}--> The system replaces this token with the list of selected items including the Yes and No confirmation buttons. Use the ICON_CONFIRM_YES and ICON_CONFIRM_NO Web options to control the display of the Yes and No confirmation buttons. Customizing the ICON_CONFIRM_YES and ICON_CONFIRM_NO Web options enables system behavior preventing these buttons from being clicked multiple times.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the HTML defined in the BOTLOGO Web option.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:


LANG The language code (e.g., spi for Spanish, frc for French).
s# The number of the scope (e.g., s1, s2, s3).
p# The patron type or PTYPE (e.g., p0 or p243).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.