Remote Access Options

The Web options for the Remote Access options group control the WebPAC My Account system's integration with an institution's Apache Single Sign-On system. The Apache Single Sign-On system authenticates users and, if the user is allowed access, passes a unique user ID and the user's IP to the WebPAC. WebPAC, in turn, validates the user ID in the Innovative database and verifies the identity of the source machine before accepting the My Account session.


This option defines the URL of a screen to display when the patron logs out from the Apache Single Sign-On system.

The URL defined in this option can be either absolute or relative. An example of this option using a relative URL is:


An example of this option using an absolute URL is:



This option controls the system's behavior when the Apache Single Sign-On system generates a 403 Forbidden response.

When set to a "TRUE" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters) or the option is undefined, all 403 Forbidden responses from the Apache Single Sign-On system are passed on to the user without further action on the part of the My Account system.

When set to a "FALSE" value ('0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters), 403 Forbidden responses from the Apache Single Sign-On system cause the My Account system to inspect the request URL for legitimate WebPAC URL arguments. If the URL contains arguments that have meaning to WebPAC, the system processes them as usual. If the URL does not contain any arguments that have meaning to WebPAC, the user is presented with the My Account patron login display.

See also the description of the 403error.html form, which specifies the text to display for a 403 Forbidden response.


This option defines the URL of a screen to display if the patron is successfully validated from the Apache Single Sign-On system but the user's request URL contains no arguments specifying which WebPAC screen to display. If this option is not defined and the patron is successfully validated, but there are no URL arguments specifying which WebPAC screen to display, the user's patron record screen displays.

The URL defined in this option can be either absolute or relative. An example of this option using a relative URL is:


An example of this option using an absolute URL is:


This option can vary by scope, language, and patron type.