Program Payment Warning Form

Command link:     None
HTML document:  program_paywarn.html


Ecommerce for Program Registration forms are not stageable.

This form controls the display of the payment warning form used by Ecommerce for Program Registration. The system displays this form when a user chooses the Pay Later option on the Program Fees form (program_cart.html).

Valid tokens for this custom form are:

Token Function
<!--{startover}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BUT_STARTOVER Web option. Clicking this link directs the user to the URL specified in the PSTARTOVER Web option.
<!--{patronrecord}--> This token is replaced by the value defined by the BUT_PLOGOUT Web option. This value serves as a link to the patron record.
<!--{logout}--> This token is replaced by the value defined by the BUT_LOGOUT Web option. Clicking this link takes the user to the mainmenu.html page.
<!--{return}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_RET2PROG Web option. Clicking this link takes users back to the page from which they accessed the registration page.
<!--{patronname}--> This token is replaced by the value in the PATRN NAME variable-length field in the patron record.
<!--{formbegin}--> The system replaces this token with the opening <form> HTML tag. This token must be placed in the custom form before all form-related tokens.
<!--{paywarn}--> The system replaces this token with the warning message from the ECOMM WARN variable-length field in the program record. If this field is blank, the system uses the following default message:

NOTE: If you do not pay online now with your credit card, you will be unable to pay online later.

You must call or come into the library to pay as soon as possible or your registration may be cancelled.
<!--{viewprogramcart}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_BACK Web option. Clicking this links returns the user to the Program Fees form (program_cart.html).
<!--{cancel}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_YES Web option. Clicking this link takes the user back to the page from which they began the registration.
<!--{formend}--> The system replaces this token with the closing </form> HTML tag. This token must be placed in the custom form after all form-related tokens.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option.

You can create separate custom forms for each language by using the following naming convention:


LANG The language code (e.g., spa for Spanish, fre for French).
s# The number of the scope (e.g., s1, s2, s3).