Homebound Patron Rating Sheets

If your library has purchased the Homebound Patron Services product, Sierra enables you to print a rating sheet when checking out items to patrons whose P TYPE your library has defined as homebound. The patron can choose to fill out this sheet and send it to the library when they return their items.

Data Fields in Homebound Patron Rating Sheets

A patron rating sheet contains the following elements:

Patron Name
The PATRN NAME variable-length field in the patron record.
Patron Address
The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record.
Items Being Delivered
The number of new checkouts that took place at the time the rating sheet was printed.
Items at Address
The total number of items the patron currently has checked out.
Instructions to the patron for filling out the rating sheet.
The TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
The AUTHOR variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
A blank space for the patron to fill in a rating.

Example Homebound Patron Rating Sheet

The following is an example of a Homebound Patron Rating Sheet:

                                 Godfrey, Rose
                             1234 South 10th Street
                             Philadelphia, PA 19147

           Items being delivered: 1          Items at address: 0
                       Date checked out: Fri Feb 11 2011
      Rate each item issued from 1 (lowest rating) to 10 (highest rating).
TITLE                                         AUTHOR          RATING
The check is not in the mail / Leonard Sklar. Sklar, Leonard. ________
See also:
Checking Out Items to Homebound Patrons
Checking In Items from Homebound Patrons
Creating the Homebound Patron Report