Creating the Homebound Patron Report

If your library has enabled the Optional Circulation Permissions feature for Create Homebound Patron Report, you must be assigned permission 1060 (Create Homebound Patron Report) to access this function. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has purchased the Homebound Patron Services product, you can create a Homebound Patron Report to view the items checked in from patrons whose P TYPE your library has defined as homebound. To create a Homebound Patron Report:

  1. Choose Create Homebound Patron Report from the Function list.
  2. Select parameters for the report.
    • Limit by Patron
      • To prepare a report on all items checked in from homebound patrons, choose Report on all homebound patrons.
      • To prepare a report on items checked in from a single patron, choose Limit to one patron. Enter the patron's barcode in the text box, then choose the Search button to retrieve that patron record.
    • Limit by Check-Out Date
      • To limit the report to items checked out after a certain date, enter a date in the Starting date text box.
      • To limit the report to items checked out before a certain date, enter a date in the Ending date text box.
    • Limit by Patron Rating
      • To limit the report to items with a particular rating, enter a value between 0 and 10 in the text box labelled Select items rated higher than or equal to (0-10). The system includes only items that received a rating greater than or equal to that value in the Homebound Patron report.
    • Select a review file in which to store the prepared report.
  3. Choose Create Report. The system does the following when preparing the report:
    • Displays the number of items in the review file in the # Entries column of the review file list.
    • Renames the selected review file. The review file name starts with the prefix HB LIST: to identify it as containing a Homebound Patrons report. The name also includes the name of the patron for whom the report was prepared, the date range, and the minimum evaluation rating. For example:
HB List:Radcliff, Patrick/03-23/2007 to 03/07/2008/8
  1. To display, sort, and print the report content, use the Create Lists function.
See also:
Checking In Items from Homebound patrons
Checking Out Items to Homebound patrons
Possible Messages (Creating a Homebound Patron Report)