Viewing the Full Vendor Display

The Full Vendor display shows details about the specified vendor, including vendor name, account number, address, and claim cycle. To view the full display for a vendor:

  1. Choose Full Vendor display from the reports menu.
  2. Enter the vendor code and choose Done. If you are unsure of a vendor code, see Finding a Vendor Code.
  3. To view additional vendor information, choose one of the following options:
    • To view information about orders pending, claimed, and cancelled, and other vendor details, choose Vendor Statistics from the reports menu.
    • To view outstanding invoices for this vendor, in order of most recent choose Invoices (Latest First).
    • To view outstanding invoices for this vendor, in chronological order, choose Invoices (Chron Order).
    • To find a particular invoice for the vendor, choose Find Invoice. Enter the Invoice # and choose Done.
    • To see information about the vendor that precedes this vendor on the vendor list, choose Prev Vendor.
    • To see information about the vendor that follows this vendor on the vendor list, choose Next Vendor.
    • To go to a specific vendor, choose GoTo Vendor. Enter the Vendor Code and choose Done.

The Full Vendor display shows the vendor code and number, the total number of vendors on the list, the number of outstanding invoices, and the following fields: