Viewing Vendor Invoice Information

Vendor Invoice reports display invoices for a vendor either by most recent date or in chronological order. You also can search for an invoice by invoice number.

Newer Invoice Records

Vendor Invoice reports do not include information for invoice records created in Sierra or in Millennium Release 2005 and later. You can view a list of invoice records by vendor in the Invoice tab, as well as viewing invoices as entered into the system.

To view invoices for a specific vendor:

  1. Choose Full Vendor Display from the reports menu.
  2. Specify the vendor in the Vendor Code field and choose Done. If you don't know the vendor code, see Finding a Vendor Code.
  3. Choose one of the following from the reports menu:
    • Invoices (Latest First) — Displays invoices in reverse chronological order, with the most recent invoice first.
    • Invoices (Chron. Order) — Displays invoices in chronological order.
    The report indicates the vendor number and the total number of vendors in the list.
  4. To move forward or backward through the pages of vendors, choose PREV Vendor or NEXT Vendor from the reports menu.
  5. To view another vendor record, choose GOTO Vendor from the reports menu and complete the steps described above.

The Vendor Invoice report displays the following information:

You can view the Full Record Display for the vendor by choosing the underlined vendor code in the Vendor invoice display.

Data Discrepancies

Information on the Vendor Invoices page is current as of the most recent posting of the sessions and can contain up to 18,000 invoices. Because the data for the Vendor Statistics display has a different source of data (the Recalculate vendor STATISTICS function), the data might differ from the Vendor Invoices display.

Finding an Invoice

To view a specific invoice for a vendor:

  1. Choose Full Vendor Display from the reports menu.
  2. Specify the vendor in the Vendor Code field and choose Done.
  3. Choose Find Invoice from the reports menu.
  4. Enter the Invoice Number.