Viewing Cross References / Authority Records

The WebPAC uses authority records to redirect a search from a subject, name, or title heading that is not used in a library's catalog (the invalid form) to one that is used in the catalog (valid form).

The invalid form is stored as a See reference in the appropriate 4XX field in the authority record (e.g., MARC 450 fields in subject authority records); the valid form is stored in the 1xx field (e.g., MARC 150 field, SUBJ AUTH, in subject authority records).

When the system redirects a search, the system switches the target for the search to the valid form and executes another search. Authority records are also used to redirect searches to related terms (See Also reference) that are stored in the 5XX fields in the authority record (e.g., MARC 550 field in subject authority records).

The Innovative system suppresses from public view specific headings from authority records, based on the value of byte 3 of subfield w in 4XX, 5XX, or 7XX fields.

Subfield w Byte 3 Value System Action
a The system suppresses the cross reference from public view.
b The system suppresses the cross reference from public view and returns the value of the Complex "See" Name Reference Display.
c The system suppresses the cross reference from public view and returns the value of the Complex "See Also" Name Reference Display.
d The system suppresses the cross reference from public view and returns the value of the History Reference Display.
n There is no cross reference display restriction on the field. Additionally, if byte 3 is not present, there is no cross reference display restriction on the field.
MARC 666

If the MARC 666 (General Explanatory Reference Name) field is defined, the system displays the contents of this field with the cross reference.

For example:

130 Mechanical suits
430 Exoskeletons
430 Mecha 1|wnnna

If a user conducts a title phrase search for "Mecha", the system does not display the cross reference. If a user conducts a title phrase search for "Exoskeletons", the system displays the cross reference.

For more information, see the following sections:

See References in the WebPAC
See Also References in the WebPAC