Viewing See Also References in the WebPAC

See Also references are search results with related terms that result in authority redirection pages. Authority redirection can either a single authority redirection (a single authority record attached to a bibliographic record), a multiple authority redirections (multiple authority records attached to a bibliographic record), a complex see also name reference (MARC 663 field), or a history reference (MARC 665 field).

Single Attached Authority Record Display

A single See Also authority redirection displays the unauthorized and authorized search terms with a link to the related term. For example:

Single attached authority record

You can customize this display by editing the authority_redirect.html WebPAC custom form.

Multiple Attached Authority Records Display

When a search retrieves multiple variants (e.g., multiple titles, variations on author names), the WebPAC displays a list of See Also redirections. For example:

See Also example

You can control the See Also message and format with the AUTHMSG Web option.

If there are multiple See Also references attached to a single browse entry, the browse displays "<X> Related Subjects or Authors or Titles" (where '<X>' is the number of related subjects, authors, or titles). For example:

redirected headings display

Clicking the Related Subjects link in the example displays the following:

redirected headings display

The system uses the contents of subfield |w in the 5xx field to determine if there is any special relationship between the original search term and the redirected search term. Examples of these subfields are:

Subfield Contents Message Displayed
a See also under the later heading
b See also under the earlier heading
d See under the full form of the heading
f For a musical composition based on this work, see also under
g See also under the narrower term
h See also under the broader term

You can control the display of the See Also relationship with the AUTHMSG_SR Web option.

Complex See Also Name Reference Display

If a search results in a hit on an authority record with byte 3 of subfield w defined with a c value, the system returns a Complex See Name reference taken from the MARC 663 field in the authority record. For example:

History Reference Display

If a search results in a hit on an authority record with byte 3 of subfield w defined with a d value, the system returns a Complex See Name reference taken from the MARC 665 field in the authority record. For example:

See also:
See References in the WebPAC