Direct Connect Linking to Resources

Your library can create direct links from external origins to target resource content, without displaying intermediary panels of resource links. When origins and resources are configured for "Direct Connect" linking, clicking on the WebBridge LR button in an external origin immediately displays the target resource in a browser window. The patron does not choose to display the target resource from a list of links in a resource panel.


In Direct Connect linking, patrons are not offered a list of links. Should the Direct Connect resource fail to display or fail to offer relevant information, patrons cannot choose another resource. Therefore:

  • Use only the most reliable origins and resources for Direct Connect linking. When choosing origins and resources for Direct Connect linking, configure only:
    • resources with reliable servers
    • resources that use a consistent link-to syntax
    • origins that create consistently good OpenURL requests
  • Create and apply appropriate data tests.

If a Direct Connect resource is in a category that is suppressed by the origin's Category Suppression rule, the resource will not be available.

You set a priority for each resource when you configure the resource for Direct Connect linking. When more than one Direct Connect resource satisfies an OpenURL request, the resource with the lowest priority number is displayed. The default priority for a Direct Connect resource is 0. Category sort order does not affect the priority of Direct Connect resources. Category sort order determines only the order of resource links in a table or panel.

Using Direct Connect linking and Category Suppression rules can maximize the performance of your WebBridge LR resolution server. When Direct Connect linking and Category Suppression rules are used, the server does not perform data tests for resources in suppressed categories (unless the unsuppressed categories do not contain appropriate resources) or for resources other than the highest priority Direct Connect resource (if one exists). Minimizing the number of data tests that the server executes maximizes server performance.

You can view a list of resources configured for Direct Connect linking , or change the priority of multiple Direct Connect resources on one WebBridge Management page.

The process for creating Direct Connect resources is:

  1. Configure Direct Connect resources.
  2. Configure Direct Connect origins.

Configuring Resources for Direct Connect

To configure a resource for Direct Connect linking:

  1. Choose Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the WebBridge LR home page.

    The Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the resource.

    The Resource (<resource_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Resource tab
  3. Expand the Additional Settings menu.

    The Additional Settings menu displays:

    Additional Settings
  4. Choose "Yes" for Is this a direct connect resource?
  5. To change the Direct Connect priority of the resource, enter a number in the Direct Connect priority text box.

    The default priority is 0. A Direct Connect resource must have a priority number.
  6. Choose Save.

Configuring Origins for Direct Connect

To set up the origins from which to offer Direct Connect linking:

  1. Choose Origins from the menu on the left-hand side of the WebBridge LR home page.

    The Origins tab displays:

    Origin tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the origin.

    The Origin (<origin_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Origin tab
  3. Expand the Additional Settings menu.

    The Additional Settings menu displays.

    Additional Settings
  4. Choose "Yes" for Is this a direct connect resource?
  5. Choose Save.

Viewing and Editing Priority of Direct Connect Resources

You can view the resources configured for Direct Connect linking and edit their priority in the Edit Direct Connect Resources menu.

  1. Choose Direct Connect Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the WebBridge LR home page.

    The Direct Connect Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Click Priority to sort by priority number.
  3. To change a resource's priority, enter a new number in the Priority text box and choose Apply.
  4. To view a resource's definition, choose Edit.