Printing Serials Labels and Routing Slips for an Issue

In addition to printing serials labels during checkin, you can print serials labels (spine and pocket labels) and routing slips for any box in a checkin card, regardless of the box's Status.

To print serials labels or routing slips for a checkin card box, do the following.

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin card.
  3. Select one box.
  4. Choose the desired printing function from the Box Menu under the Tools menu. To print serials labels, choose Print Labels. To print the routing slip, choose Print Routing Slip.
  5. On the resulting dialog, enter the numbers of the copies for which you want to print labels or a routing slip. For example, to print labels for copies one through three, enter '1' and '3' in the dialog; to print labels only for copy three, enter '3' and '3' in the dialog.
  6. Choose OK to close the dialog.
  7. If you have not already selected a printer, the system asks you to Choose a printer from the Select a Printer dialog.

Note that spine and pocket labels print to the same printer; you cannot specify different printers for the different types of labels.

The system prints serials labels or routing slips for the copies you specified.

See Printing Serials Labels and Routing Slips during Checkin for information on how Sierra determines which type(s) of labels to print.