Archiving Checkin Cards

Archiving a checkin card allows you to continue using the same checkin record for a title even after the current checkin card is full, i.e., all boxes have a status of "ARRIVED".

When you use the Archive Card option, Sierra does the following:

You have the option of creating a checkin card with new parameters or creating a checkin card based on the old one.

Creating a New Checkin Record and Moving the Full Checkin Card

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin card.
  3. Choose Tools | Card Menu | Archive Card. Do not select boxes.
  4. If your library has more than one checkin record template, Sierra offers a list of record templates. Select a record template for the new checkin record and choose Select. The system creates a new checkin record in the selected template based on information from the original record.

For information about creating and editing templates, see Managing Templates for New Records.

  1. Edit the new checkin record. Note that this is the checkin record that will hold the full checkin card.
  2. Choose Save to create a new checkin record and move the full checkin card to it. Close the dialog to exit without creating the checkin record or making any other changes.

Creating an Empty Checkin Card in the Original Checkin Record

After you create a new checkin record and move the full checkin card to it, Sierra offers the following options:

Extrapolate Boxes

This option creates a new checkin card using the parameters of the current card. After you select this option, do the following.

  1. Fill in the information for the first issue to be inserted in the new checkin card. Sierra automatically fills in the following :
    • Levels of Chronology captions
    • Cover date
    • Expected date
    • Starting Enumeration boxes
    See Overview of Checkin Card Fields for information on editing these fields.
  2. The Include Supplements and Include Indexes check boxes are selected by default. Clear the appropriate check box if you do not want to include supplements or indexes.
  3. Choose OK to create the new checkin card or Cancel to exit the Archive Card function without creating a checkin card. Note that choosing Cancel does not delete the checkin record that was created to hold the filled checkin card.

Create Card from Scratch

This option creates a new checkin card based on the parameters you specify. After selecting this option, do the following.

  1. On the Edit Card dialog, fill out the checkin card information. See Editing Checkin Card Parameters for more information about filling out this dialog.
  2. Choose OK to create the new checkin card or Cancel to exit the Archive Card function without making any changes.

Note that choosing Cancel does not delete the checkin record that was created to hold the filled checkin card.