Searching from the Research Pro Advanced Search Page

The Advanced Search page is the starting point for advanced search functionality in Research Pro. Users arrive at the Advanced Search page via:

An example of an Advanced Search page is:

  1. Enter the search information on the Simple Search page.
    1. Enter up to three search terms.
    2. Select a boolean modifier for each search term (and, or, or not).
    3. Select an index for each search term.
    4. Select categories or individual resources to search.
  2. Click the Search icon.
  3. The system returns search results in either interfiled or tabbed format.

The display of the Advanced Search page is fully customizable. See Customizing the Advanced Search Display for more information.

Adding a Direct Link to the Advanced Search Page

You can link directly to your Research Pro Simple Search page from any Web page by adding a link using the following format:


URL Variable Element Description
[domain] The domain name or IP address of the server running Research Pro.
[port] The port associated with the domain name or IP address of the server running Research Pro.
[context] The Research Pro context. Valid values are:
mfrpro-[sitecode]The value for instances of Research Pro centrally hosted by Innovative. Replace [sitecode] with your Innovative-assigned customer code.
mfrproThe value for the instance of Research Pro locally hosted by your library.
[acct] Your Research Pro account name.
[password] The password associated with your Research Pro account.
See also:
Customizing Research Pro
Advanced Search Form
Advanced Search Category File
Advanced Search Resource File
Advanced Search Resource Group File
Searching from the Research Pro Simple Search Page