Blocking Access to Research Pro by IP Address

Your library can block access to Research Pro by IP address (or range of IPs) by editing the mfaccess.conf file. You can specify IP addresses by octet and use ranges within an octet, as needed.

To edit your mfaccess.conf file, complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/screens directory.
  2. Edit the mfaccess.conf file to specify the IP address, or range of IP addresses, to block. For example:



    If your library limits access based on internal or external IP addresses in the Limit Network Access table, duplicate those IP address listings in the mfaccess.conf file. Note that the mfaccess.conf file can only use internal IP addresses if the Sierra server and Research Pro are set up on the same network. If you do not know if your Sierra server and your Research Pro share the same network, contact Innovative.

  3. Save your changes and quit.
  4. Refresh your Research Pro.