Displaying Reviews in Sierra

Review resource links display when you view a bibliographic record in Sierra and choose the Go | Pathfinder Pro menu option. Links to review resources display below the record. When you choose a review resource link, the resource displays in Sierra.

More than one review resource per Sierra application is allowed.

Links that are not review resources display in a panel (resserv_staff_panel.html).

To display a review resource, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Resources from the menu on the left-hand side of the Pathfinder Pro home page.

    The Resources tab displays:

    Resources tab
  2. Choose the Edit button associated with the resource.

    The Resource (<resource_name>) tab displays. For example:

    Resource tab
  3. Expand the Bibliographic record menu:

    Bibliographic record menu of the Resource
  4. Enter a URL for the review resource. For example:

  5. Choose "Yes" for Display link in Sierra staff functions?

    Additional menu options display. For example:

    Bibliographic record menu-link on Millennium client
  6. Choose "Yes" for Is this a review resource?
  7. Enter a link in the Link text text box.
  8. Choose Save.