Working with Saved Search Templates

To create, edit, or delete saved search templates, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 018 (Create lists)
  • 186 (Review File List Administrator)
  • 641 (Create Lists Template Administration)

Users assigned permission 640 (Create Lists Limited) cannot create or modify saved search templates. Note that if you are assigned permission 018 (Create Lists), the system ignores permission 640.

Template Administrators as well as Limited Users must be assigned permissions to view and manipulate the record types with which they work. Such permissions include 101 (View bibliographic records), 121 (View item records), 104 (Update bibliographic records), 124 (Update item records), and so forth. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Set the Create BOOLEAN lists: use template files option to "YES" to enable saved search templates functionality.

In Create Lists, saved search templates streamline operations for library staff performing regularly occurring searches having identical comparisons but different parameters. Template administrators can save a search strategy as a template for others to use. Templates limit selected staff (permission 640, Create Lists Limited) to performing only predefined searches. When limited users select a saved search template, the system automatically defines the basic search operators, based on the template, and does not allow modification of those operators. Limited users can select parameters for each defined search operation, such as a range of dates or a location.

See also:
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Saved Search Templates
Using Saved Search Templates in Limited Users Mode
Specifying Search Criteria