Reviewing Saved Searches

To view saved searches, you must be assigned permission 018 (Create lists). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can review the searches saved in Sierra or view the search for any of the current review files.

Reviewing All Saved Searches

To review the searches saved in Sierra:

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Change to the Saved Searches tab.
  3. Choose the search to view by selecting its row. The search criteria appear in the top portion of the tab.

Click a column header to sort the list of saved searches. For example, click the Query Name column header to sort the saved searches by name.

Reviewing a Search for a Review File

To review the search criteria used for a review file:

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Choose a review file by selecting its row.
  3. Choose the Show Info button from the toolbar. This button is disabled if you select an empty review file.
  4. The system displays the review file's attributes, including the search criteria used for the search and any sort criteria used on the review file. Choose OK to return to the list of review files.