Archiving Purged Order Records

To archive order records prior to "purging," or deleting, the records from the Innovative system, use Data Exchange. When you archive records with Data Exchange, they are converted from the Innovative record format to a file format that can be read with any text editor.

To archive order records:

  1. Choose Data Exchange from the Function list.
  2. Choose ARCHIVE Order Records (pur) from the Select Process drop down menu. If a <filename>.pout file exists, it appears. If a <filename>.pout file does not exist, create it:
    1. In Create Lists, create a review file of the order records to be deleted.
    2. In Data Exchange, choose Tools | Create | Create file of BIB and ORDER records.
    3. Choose Review from the drop down menu.
    4. Choose the review file from the Review file drop down menu.
    5. In the Output File text box, enter a filename. For example, enter output.
    6. Choose Start. The system creates the <filename>.pout file and displays Output Messages.
    7. Choose File | Close. The output.pout file appears.
  3. Select the <filename>.pout file.
  4. To send the file to an archive using FTS, choose Tools | Put | SEND file to another system using FTS. The Transfer Files program opens.

Move the file to the archive location by using FTS.

  1. To archive the file to your PC, choose Tools | Put | Download Files to PC. A Save dialog box opens.
  2. Save the file on the PC.