Modifying Teleforms Dialing Rules

When the Teleforms computer arrives at your library, review the dialing rules. You should modify the dialing rules so that the Teleforms computer can place calls to area codes and exchanges in your library's service area. To modify the dialing rules, perform the following steps.

Note that in a telephone number, the area code is the first set of three digits and the exchange is the second set of three digits. For example, in the telephone number 510-555-1234, 510 is the area code and 555 is the exchange.

Modifying Teleforms Options

Before you modify options or edit tables in the Teleforms software, you should stop the Teleforms computer from placing calls. After you are done, you can restart the Teleforms computer. For information on starting and stopping the Teleforms computer, see Starting and Stopping in Setting the Teleforms Calling Schedule.

  1. Run the Teleforms software via your Desktop shortcut.
  2. From the main window, choose File | Dialing Rules. If your system runs Teleforms_D, choose Edit | Dialing Rules.
  3. Set the following options:
    Reset RulesThe Reset Rules box contains the following options.
    Block Long Distance CallsCheck this option to set the BLOCKCALL option to "true" in every line in the table.
    Set Dialing Prefix to "1"Check this option to insert a '1' in the PREFIX option in every line in the table.

    After you set these options, choose OK. The Teleforms computer asks you to confirm that you want to implement your changes, then, updates the entire table.

    Note that changes made to the Reset Rules are applied to the entire table. However, you can make exceptions to these rules by modifying individual lines in the table (see Area Codes and Exchanges, below).

    Global PrefixThe Teleforms computer dials this prefix before placing all calls. For information on setting this option, see Configuring Teleforms Options.
    Area Codes and Exchanges

    You can specify dialing instructions for each area code and exchange in the table. By default, the table contains one line for each area code from 100 to 999. You can add additional area code and exchange combinations by keying new lines in the table.

    You can set the following options for each line.

    AREA CODEThe area code.
    EXCHANGEThe exchange. By default, this option is set to "ANY", which represents all possible exchanges.
    PREFIXThe prefix. Note that the Teleforms computer will dial this prefix after the Global Prefix but before the area code (if the system is configured to dial the area code).
    SUFFIXThe suffix.
    REMOVEACDo not dial the area code (true or false). By default, this option is set to "true".
    BLOCKCALLDo not place calls for these numbers (true or false). By default, this option is set to "true". If you want the Teleforms computer to place calls to these numbers, set this option to False.
  4. When you are finished, choose Close.