Managing Statistics Created by Offline Circulation Transactions

The statistics group number settings listed below contribute to the display of Offline Circulation statistics as follows:

An Offline Statistics Group Number Here: Displays in Offline Statistics Here:
Statistics Group text box
in Preferences dialog
  • Web Management Circulation All Activity report, sorted by Terminal (that is, statistics group number).
  • Log files for processed Offline Circulation transaction files
Statistic Group parameter in the User Basic Info section of Sierra Administration Web application's Authorizations and Authentication function Item record fields:

To ensure that statistics specific to Offline Circulation compile and display properly in the reports and fields listed above, do the following:

  1. Set up Offline Circulation using the same statistics group number in the following areas:
    • Statistics Group text box (in Offline Circulation Preferences) on all Offline Circulation workstations
    • Statistic Group parameter (in Sierra Administration Web application) for all Offline Circulation users
    For example:
    • Use one number—such as 777—in both types of text boxes on all Offline Circulation workstations.
    • In both types of text boxes on each Offline Circulation workstation, use a unique, machine-specific number from a series of numbers identifiable as Offline Circulation statistics group numbers, such as 700, 701, 702, and so on.
  2. When you upload Offline Circulation files, use the Offline Circulation user associated with the same statistics group number as in the offline workstation's Offline Circulation Preferences dialog, as follows:
    1. On the workstation that recorded the offline transactions, identify the Statistics Group number in the Offline Circulation Preferences dialog. For example:

    2. Identify the Offline Circulation user that is assigned to this statistics group. For example:

    3. Using the identified Offline Circulation user (for example, offline700), log into the workstation from which you are uploading offline transactions.

      If you copied the Offine Circulation files to a different workstation for upload, use the identified Offline Circulation user to log into that workstation.
    4. Upload the offline transactions. The system uses the identified statistics group number (for example, 700) in all reports and item record fields containing an Offline Circulation statistics group.
See also:
Setting Up Offline Circulation