Setting Up Offline Circulation

To set up Offline Circulation on a PC workstation:

  1. Install the Offline Circulation software.
  2. Configure Offline Circulation settings.

Installing Offline Circulation Software

To install Offline Circulation on a workstation, follow the installation instructions for the workstation's operating system:

  1. Download Offline Circulation from the Customer Supportal.
  2. Follow the instructions on the download page to install Offline Circulation on the workstation

Configuring Offline Circulation

You can configure the following aspects of Offline Circulation on your workstation:

Offline Configuration Files

As you configure Offline Circulation on your workstation, the system writes a record of your settings to the following files in the C:\Sierra Desktop App\Offline directory:

File Contents
pccirc.cfg Preferences for the workstation as specified in the Preferences dialog
pccl.eng Default language file

To quickly standardize settings between workstations, you can copy these files from one workstation to another.

Note that prior to release Sierra 3.4, Offline Circulation saved settings files to the C:\Millennium\Offline directory