Possible Messages (Placing a Volume-Level Hold)

This section describes some of the messages that you might see when you place volume-level holds.

Cannot place hold on this title because patron has copy checked out.
The patron already has an item checked out that is attached to the volume you are trying to place on hold. If the Block Duplicate Holds feature is enabled, Sierra does not place the hold, and you cannot override the error message. If the Block Duplicate Holds feature is not enabled, Sierra provides the option to override the error message and place the hold.
Invalid record number.
You attempted to retrieve an invalid record number.
Patron has hold on another item with this title.
The patron already has a hold on the volume or has a hold on an item attached to the same volume. Depending on your system's settings and the type of hold the patron already has, Sierra either displays this as an informative message (and allows the hold to continue) or blocks the hold from being placed, as listed below.
Block Duplicate Holds Holds: Allow multiple title-level holds for one patron Setting Patron Already Has Hold Blocked?
Disabled NO Hold on item linked to same volume No
Disabled NO Hold on same volume1 Yes
Disabled YES Hold on item linked to same volume No
Disabled YES Hold on same volume No
Enabled NO Hold on item linked to same volume Yes
Enabled NO Hold on same volume Yes
1 Under this circumstance, the system displays a second message: "Cannot place hold on this item because: Patron already has hold on it."
See the Block Duplicate Holds feature and the Holds: Allow multiple title-level holds for one patron circulation option for more information.
Patron has reached <number> hold limit.
The patron has exceeded the number specified in the MAX HOLDS field for their P TYPE in the Patron Blocks table.
Patron is only allowed <number> more holds.
You have attempted to place more holds than the limit that is specified in the MAX HOLDS field for the patron's P TYPE in the Patron Blocks table. Sierra displays the number of holds that can be placed for the patron without exceeding this limit.
Please select only volume records.
You selected a mix of volume records and other record types while placing multiple volume holds. Make sure you have selected volume records only and try again.
Please select volumes with enough items attached.
One or more volume records you have selected do not have enough items attached based on your Holds Options settings (see Allow volume level holds on volumes with only 1 attached item and Allow volume level holds on volumes with no items).
Record type <record type> is not valid for this search.
You cannot search for the record type that you entered.
The Not Wanted After date must be later than the Not Wanted Before date.
The date you specified in the Not Wanted After field is earlier than the date you specified in the Not Wanted Before field.
The Not Wanted After date must be later than today's date.
You specified a date before tomorrow (that is, today or earlier) in the Not Wanted After field.
The Not Wanted After entry is not a valid date.
You specified an invalid date (for example, 02-30-2000) in the Not Wanted After field.
The Not Wanted Before date must fall between today's date and <date>.
In the Not Wanted Before field, you specified a date more than 180 days from the current date (the day on which the patron placed the hold).
The Not Wanted Before entry is not a valid date.
You specified an invalid date (for example, 02-30-2000) in the Not Wanted Before field.
Total number of entered holds = <#>. Patron is only allowed <#> more holds
While placing multiple volume holds, you have attempted to place more holds than the limit that is specified in the MAX HOLDS field for the patron's P TYPE in the Patron Blocks table. Sierra displays the number of holds that you can place for the patron without exceeding this limit and provides the option to override this error message.
Volume .j<recnum> is not holdable by patron .p<recnum>
Your system's loan rules do not allow the patron to place a hold on that volume. Sierra provides the option to override the error message and place the hold.