Possible Messages (Offline Circulation File Processing)

This section describes some of the messages that might display when you process Offline Circulation files.

The message descriptions are grouped according to related functionality, as follows:

Processing Files

There are no transactions to process.
No unprocessed files are currently uploaded; all previously uploaded files have been processed.
Are you sure you want to delete file rdy<date&time>?
The system is about to delete the offline file that is currently displayed in the Summary table. This file is not yet processed; if you delete this file, the system does not update the affected patron and/or item records with these offline transactions. To delete the file, choose Yes. To keep the file, choose No.
Are you sure you want to delete these messages?
The system is about to delete the log file that is currently displayed in the Summary table. To delete the file, choose Yes. To keep the file, choose No.

Transaction Successful: Additional Steps Might Be Required

Following are some of the messages the system might display in the log file associated with the processed offline file. These messages refer to additional steps you might need to take as a result of the successful processing of the specified items:

put item on hold shelf for <patron>
item is on hold for <patron>
item is 'missing' and has been cleared
item is IN TRANSIT and has been cleared
item is billed and has been cleared
Item <barcode or item record number> has been placed on the holdshelf at <location> for <patron>
Item has a hold to be picked up at the specified location.
item belongs at location <location>. Checking in anyway
item is for Library Use Only. Checking out anyway
Item has HOLD to be picked up at <location>. Checking in anyway
Item has a hold to be picked up at another location.
Record is recently checked out/in
There are consecutive checkouts or checkins recorded for the same item.
item has status <status>. Checking out/in anyway
item has been booked by another patron. Checking out anyway
Item was checked out, but it is booked before the current item due date.

Transaction Not Successful

Following are some of the messages the system might display in the log file associated with the processed offline file if any attempted processes (checkin, checkout, or renewal) were not successful:

illegal barcode
Barcode does not conform to standard barcode pattern. Barcode validity checking is done only if the library so desires. Locate the correct barcode and process the item manually.
no item/patron record found with tagfield <barcode>
The entered barcode could not be found in the database. Find the correct barcode and process the item manually.
multiple item/patron records found with tagfield <barcode>
The entered barcode occurs in more than one record. Find the correct record and process the item manually.
item is not checked out, checkin ignored
The item has not been checked out, and therefore the system ignores the checkin. This situation may arise when the checkin and checkout transactions for an item are processed out of order or when there are multiple, successive checkins and checkouts for the same patron/item combination. Ensure that the item record is not checked out or that the date and time in the OUT DATE field in the item record is later than the current transaction time.
item is checked out. This checkout denied
The item has already been checked out, therefore the system ignores the checkout. This situation may arise when the checkin and checkout transactions for an item are processed out of order or when there are multiple, successive checkins and checkouts for the same patron/item combination. Check the PATRON# field in the item record for the record number of the patron to whom the item is currently checked out; the patron record number in the PATRON# field probably does not match the patron listed in the display of error/informational messages. If this is the case, manually check the item in, and then check it out to the patron listed in the informational message.
LCHKIN in item is greater than checkin time in file; checkin ignored
The item has been checked in since the checkin transaction was recorded. For example, the offline checkin transaction occurred at 10:00AM, but the item was checked in again at 1:00PM with no intervening checkouts. Verify that the item record is not checked out.
OUT DATE in item greater than checkin time in file; checkin ignored
The item has been checked out since the checkin transaction was recorded. For example, the offline checkin transaction occurred at 10:00AM, but the OUT DATE field in the item record indicates that the item was checked out to that patron at 1:00PM. The transactions might have been processed out of order. You do not need to take any action.
Invalid checked out time in file; checkout ignored
This message can occur in a number of possible situations:
  • The checkout transaction in the file is earlier than the LCHKIN time in the item record.
  • The checkout transaction in the file is earlier than the OUT DATE time in the item record.
  • The due date in the transaction file is earlier than the LCHKIN time in the item record.
  • The due date in the transaction file is earlier than the OUT DATE time in the item record.
These situations can occur when the checkin and checkout transactions for an item are processed out of order or when there are multiple, successive checkins and checkouts for the same patron/item combination. This message can also occur if the Offline Circulation workstation has the incorrect time. Check the system time on the Offline Circulation workstation. Check the STATUS field in the item record. Determine whether or not you need to process the item manually.
failed to determine loan rule
The system does not contain a loan rule with the specified P TYPE/I TYPE combination from the records. Add an entry to the Loan Rule Determiner table for the specified P TYPE/I TYPE combination. Check the item out manually.
unable to locate patron block information
The P TYPE value from the patron record does not exist in the Patron Blocks table. Add an entry to the Patron Blocks table for the specified P TYPE. Check the item out manually.
expected <type>; found <type>
The barcode entered for the item ('i') or patron ('p') is associated with a different record type. Find the correct record type and process the item manually.
Patron <barcode1> has INN-Reach item .<item record number>@<agency code> with barcode <barcode>. Item was requested by patron <barcode2>. Cannot check out item.
The patron with <barcode2> requested this INN-Reach item, but the item was checked out offline to a nonrequesting patron (the patron with <barcode1>). Either recall the item from the nonrequesting patron or remove the item from the requesting INN-Reach patron's record and check the item out to the patron in possession of the item.
unable to check in item at this time
Patron record does not exist (for example, it might have been deleted). Create the patron record and process the item manually.
unexpected end of line
Open the circ.dat file on the Offline Circulation workstation, and count down to the line indicated in the error message. If possible, enter the information on this line manually.
unable to load -- <reason>
unable to check in item at this time because patron record with hold/booking on item is unavailable: <reason>
<reason> is one of the following:
  • deleted on <date>
  • does not exist
illegal instruction