Viewing Pickup Anywhere Statistics

To use Pickup Anywhere functions, you must be assigned permission 120 (IR Pickup Anywhere). For more information, see Permissions Used By Sierra.

INN-Reach maintains statistics on Pickup Anywhere transactions in the Pickup Anywhere database on the INN-Reach Central Server. You can view or export these Pickup Anywhere statistics.

To view Pickup Anywhere statistics:

  1. Choose Pickup Anywhere – Statistics from the Function list. The system displays the statistics parameters panel.
  2. Set the parameters for the statistics:

    Pickup Anywhere Location paneSelect one of the following radio buttons:
    My Pickup Location
    View statistics for your Pickup Anywhere location only (that is, statistics for the Pickup Anywhere requests that contain the Pickup Anywhere location key assigned to your current login).
    Pickup Site
    View Pickup Anywhere statistics for the site selected in the drop-down list. If your site has more than one Pickup Anywhere location, selecting this button aggregates the statistics for all of those Pickup Anywhere locations. If your site has one Pickup Anywhere location only, selecting this button has the same effect as selecting the My Pickup Location button. By default, the list is set to show statistics for My Pickup Location.
    Date paneSpecify the dates for which you want to view statistics. The dates you specify are inclusive. By default, the From and To fields reflect the day prior to the current date. For information on specifying dates, see Modifying Dates.
    Item Status drop-down listSelect the status of entries that you want to view. You can choose any or all of the following statuses:
    The status refers to the status of entries in the Pickup Anywhere database, not values from the STATUS fixed-length field in real and virtual item records.
  3. Choose the Search button. The system displays statistics for requests that match the parameters you specified.
Multiple Entries for the Same Pickup Anywhere Request

INN-Reach records statistics at every phase of the Pickup Anywhere process. Thus, you might find several entries for a single request. If you select All in the Item Status drop-down list, the system assigns each request a unique transaction number. To view all entries for a specific Pickup Anywhere request:

  1. Generate statistics for All item statuses.
  2. Download your results to a spreadsheet program.
  3. In the spreadsheet program, sort the statistics by transaction number.

Exporting Pickup Anywhere Statistics

When viewing Pickup Anywhere statistics, you can export them, as follows:

  1. Choose the Export icon.
  2. Specify the directory on your PC to which you want to export the statistics and a file name.
  3. Choose the Save button. The system exports the statistics to the specified directory.
Delimiting Exported Pickup Anywhere Statistics

Exported Pickup Anywhere statistics are delimited by the vertical bar ('|') character. In some applications, you must specify this delimiter before you can view an exported statistics file.