Requesting a Pickup Anywhere Item

Patrons must use WebPAC to request an item using Pickup Anywhere. After successfully verifying the patron, the system offers patrons options for specifying a pickup location. If the patron chooses to pick up the item at his own site, the system handles the request as a standard INN-Reach request. If the patron chooses to pick up the item at any site other than his own, the system handles the request as a Pickup Anywhere request. For information on how patrons specify the site and pickup location for INN-Reach requests, see Requesting INN-Reach Items.

Typically, Pickup Anywhere items are paged according to the same hold selection criteria used to page INN-Reach requests. However, if multiple sites own the requested item, the system determines whether one of the potential lenders is the Pickup Anywhere location the patron specified. If the specified Pickup Anywhere location owns the requested item, the system pages the item at that location, regardless of other hold selection criteria.

After the patron specifies a Pickup Anywhere pickup location, the system:

See also:
Circulating Pickup Anywhere Items
Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach