Monitoring INN-Reach Circulation Transactions on the Local Server

A Local Server can monitor whether their INN-Reach circulation transactions have been sent to the INN-Reach Central Server or are waiting to be sent.

To monitor the transmission of INN-Reach circulation transactions on your Local Server:

  1. Access Admin Corner.
  2. Select the          C > CIRCULATION status option.

The system displays a screen similar to the following:

                CIRCULATION STATUS

 There have been 2 circ. transactions so far today.
 There are
      9 items on holdshelf.
     60 pickup notices to print.
      0 recall notices to print.
      6 paging slips to print.
    217 purchase alerts to list.
     15 items on search.
    108 items with holds.
   3489 items overdue.
      0 transactions waiting to be sent.

If your Local Server participates in INN-Reach circulation on more than one INN-Reach System, each system has a transaction line:

0 transactions waiting to be sent to <SYSTEM1>
0 transactions waiting to be sent to <SYSTEM2>

The number of transactions waiting to be sent should be '0', because the system quickly sends the transactions to the INN-Reach Central Server. Contact Innovative if the number of transactions is not '0'.