Acquiring ILL Items via OCLC

To manually acquire ILL item(s) through OCLC:

  1. Select New Requests from the Function list.
  2. Highlight the request(s) that you want to acquire, and select the Acquire icon. (You can also select a single request and choose the Acquire option from the Options menu in the Edit Request window.)
  3. (Optional) Enter information about expending funds for the acquisition. ILL prompts for this information if your library has the Expend Funds from Acquisitions for Interlibrary Loan feature enabled.
  4. Select OCLC ILL Request Transfer from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the information below:
    • Symbol - Your 3-letter OCLC symbol (for example, CUX).
    • Authorization code - Your Request Transfer API key (also referred to as the WSkey).
Default OCLC Information

These fields should automatically contain the OCLC account information that you specified in the Department Parameters worksheet in the Getting Started Manual. If this information does not appear, contact Innovative. You can specify different information by selecting a field and entering new data. ILL retains any new data that you enter for the duration of the current session.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Select a follow-up date. The follow-up date is the date on which your library should contact the supplier if the requested item has not arrived.
  3. Click Finish to complete the acquisition. The system:
    • Creates virtual records for the request
    • Transfers the request(s) to the pending requests file
    • Sends the request to OCLC.
    • Displays a confirmation dialog.
  4. Click the Close icon to restore your view of the new requests file.
See also:
Acquiring ILL Items
Reacquiring ILL Items
Possible Messages (Acquiring ILL Items)