Possible Messages (Collection Agency Report)

This section describes some of the messages that might display when you use the Collection Agency Report product.

Error creating backup report.
The system encountered a problem while backing up the report. Contact Innovative.
Mailer failed to send report.
(Email transfer method only) The system could not email the report to the collection agency. Verify that the Email Source and Email To fields are set correctly. If necessary, ask Innovative to send you an archived version of the report.
<Name> is already in use as a collection name. Please create another name for this collection.
You may not leave the Name field blank. Please enter a value or choose cancel.
The entries in the Collection Agency Settings table must have a unique name. Key a new name in the Name field or choose Cancel.
The report has been sent successfully.
The system successfully sent the report to the collection agency.
The value(s) entered in the Auto Update Submissions field are invalid.
Valid values in the Auto Update Submissions field are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , - (in other words: numbers 1 through 7, comma, dash). See Automating Collection Agency Reports.
Your report was not sent. The file has been saved on your server and should be sent manually.
(Secure Drop (S3) method only) The system could not upload the report to the Amazon S3 bucket. Download the report and send it manually to the collection agency.
Your report was not sent. Please check S3 bucket information and try again.
(Secure Drop (S3) method only) The system could not upload the report to the Amazon S3 bucket. Verify that the S3 Bucket Path, S3 Access Key ID, and S3 Access Key settings are correct.
Your report was not sent because it's not possible to save the file on your server. Please check your server settings and try again.
The system could not save the report to your server. In this instance, the system does not clear the patron data from Collection Agency table. Make sure the permissions are set correctly on your server and that there is enough disk space for the report.