Waiving Fines at Checkin

By default, the system adds some fines, such as charges for overdues or rentals, to the patron record when you check in an item. The Waive charges on items being checked in option allows the library to waive all fines that would have been assessed during the checkin session. By default, the Waive charges on items being checked in check box is present but not selected. Contact Innovative if you want it to be selected by default or if you do not want it to appear at all.

If the Waive charges on items being checked in check box is selected, the system does not assess any fines in situations that would otherwise incur fines, such as checking in overdue items.

Whether the Waive charges on items being checked in box is selected by default or not, you can require a permission to waive charges by setting the Fines/Bills: Authorization required to waive circulation option to "YES." In this situation, a user would have to be assigned permission 93 (Waive or adjust fines) to select or deselect this check box. Waived fines are logged to the circulation overrides file).

See also:
Collecting Money at Checkin