Updated Bibliographic Headings Reports

Authority Control

Your library must use Automatic Authority Control Processing to access this report.

The Updated Bibliographic Headings report lists bibliographic records that were updated as the result of the Automatic Authority Control Processing feature.

Report Contents

The Updated Bibliographic Headings report provides the following information:

Column Heading Description
# Row number for report entry.
Type Type of headings report.
Entry The heading and record number from the updated record. For example:

Field: b110 1|aUnited States.|bForest Service.|bKamas Ranger District
Indexed as author: united states forest service kamas ranger district
Changed to: a110 |aKamas Ranger District (Utah)
Bibliographic record number: .b14212719
Authority record number: .a10277778

Cat Date Date the record was cataloged.
Function System function through which heading was entered, for example "mcat" for editing MARC records in Cataloging. For a description of these codes, see Function Codes.
Group If your library uses Statistics, this column displays the statistics group by which the heading was changed.
Login User login of operator who made the change.
Entry Date Date and time the heading was changed.

To process these report entries, see Processing the Updated Bibliographic Headings Report Entries, below.

Reading the Updated Bibliographic Headings Report Entries

The Entry column provides the following information:

Field Data
Field Former Bibliographic heading, for example:

b110 1|aUnited States.|bForest Service.|bKamas Ranger District

Indexed as Index and normalized index entry for SEE FROM heading, for example:

united states forest service kamas ranger district

Changed to Updated Bibliographic heading, as stored in the record, for example:

a110 |aKamas Ranger District (Utah)

Bibliographic record number Record number of the updated bibliographic record, for example:


Authority record number Record number of the authority record that provided the valid form (1XX) for the updated heading, for example:


Processing the Updated Bibliographic Headings Report Entries

Typically, you need take no action on the results of the Updated Bibliographic Headings report. If you want to check for possible errors, however, you can:

  1. Double-click the heading entry in the report. A Verify Heading browse list appears, highlighting the reported heading in a list of surrounding headings.
  2. To view the changed bibliographic record or any other record in this list, select the record heading in the browse list and choose View.
  3. To edit either the changed bibliographic record or the authority record that was used to update the bibliographic record heading, right-click the highlighted bibliographic record heading and choose one of the following:
    • To edit the bibliographic record, choose File |Edit |bibliographic record <record number>.
    • To edit the authority record, choose File |Edit |authority record <record number>

For information on editing records, see Editing Records.

See also:
Verifying Record Headings
Verifying Headings Using INN-View Authority Validation