Near Matches Headings Reports

Authority Control

Your library must use Automatic Authority Control Processing to access this report.

The Near Matches report lists bibliographic records that were not updated by the Automatic Authority Control Processing feature because the heading in the bibliographic record did not exactly match a SEE FROM heading in an authority record. Some possible reasons why headings do not match are:

In each of the examples above, the ^ character represents a blank indicator value.

Report Contents

The Near Matches report provides the following information:

Column Heading Description
# Row number for report entry.
Type Type of headings report.
Entry The MARC tag information, heading, and record number for the bibliographic record that almost matches a SEE FROM heading in an authority record. For example:

Field: d650 |a Synthesizer and harp music
Indexed as subject: synthesizer and harp music
Correct heading may be: d150 |a Harp and synthesizer music
Bibliographic record number: .b11389497
Authority record number: .a10274741

Cat Date Date the record was cataloged.
Function System function through which the heading was entered, for example "mcat" for editing MARC records in Cataloging. For a description of the Function codes, see Function Codes.
Group If your library uses Statistics, this column displays the statistics group by which the heading was changed.
Login User login of the operator who made the change.
Entry Date Date and time the heading was changed.

To resolve these report entries, see Resolving Near Match Headings, below.

Reading the Near Matches Report Entries

The Entry column provides the following information:

Field Data
Field Bibliographic heading that almost matches a SEE FROM heading in an authority record, for example:

d650 |a Synthesizer and harp music

Indexed as Normalized version of the affected field as stored in the index, for example:

synthesizer and harp music

Correct heading may be Heading that might have replaced the existing bibliographic heading, for example:

d150 |a Harp and synthesizer music

Bibliographic record number Record number of the bibliographic record, for example:


Authority record number Record number of the nearly matching authority record, for example:


Resolving Near Match Headings

To resolve a near match heading:

  1. (Optional) You can view the record by selecting the heading entry in the report and choosing View.
  2. To view the reported heading in a browse list with surrounding headings, double-click the report entry.
  3. To view the record that uses the heading, or any other record in this list, select the record heading in the browse list and choose View.
  4. If your library has acquired the INN-View Authority feature, you can choose INN-View to search for an authority record heading to verify the bibliographic record heading. For more information, see Verifying Headings Using INN-View Authority Validation.
  5. To replace the heading with another heading from the browse list, select the correct heading and choose Select. The Verify Field dialog box appears.
  6. Choose OK to replace the heading and save the record.

For more information on using Headings Verification to update headings, see Updating Indexed Headings.