Duplicate Entries Headings Reports

The Duplicate Entries report shows information about records that share duplicate values for indexed fields that should use unique values, such as barcodes and bibliographic utility numbers like call numbers and ISBN numbers. In addition to bibliographic records, this report can show indexed fields from other kinds of records, for example the social security number from a patron record.

Report Contents

The Duplicate Entries report provides the following information:

Column Heading Description
# Row number for report entry.
Type Type of headings report.
Entry The heading and record number that contains a duplicate entry. For example:

Field: b1000003
Indexed as barcode: b1000003
From: i110094222 The Physics of everyday phenomena : readings from Scientific American / with an introd. by Jearl Walker.

Cat Date Date the record was cataloged.
Function System function through which the field was entered, for example "mcat" for editing MARC records in Cataloging. For a description of the Function codes, see Function Codes.
Group If your library uses Statistics, this column displays the statistics group by which the heading was changed.
Login User login of the operator who made the change.
Entry Date     Date and time the record was changed.

To resolve these report entries, see Resolving Duplicate Headings, below.

Reading the Duplicate Report Entries

The Entry column provides the following information:

Field Data
Field Field data that is duplicated in the records, for example:


Indexed as Index and normalized index entry for the heading, for example:


From: Record number that contains the duplicate entry, for example:

From: i110094222 The Physics of everyday phenomena : readings from Scientific American / with an introd. by Jearl Walker.

Resolving Duplicate Headings

To resolve a duplicate entry, do the following:

  1. (Optional) You can view the record by selecting the heading entry in the report and choosing View.
  2. To view the reported heading in a browse list with surrounding headings, double-click the report entry. A browse list appears, highlighting the duplicate entry and displaying a list of all the records that use that entry.
  3. To edit any of the records in the list, highlight the record heading and choose Select.
  4. Edit and Save any or all of the records that contain the duplicate entries.

For more information, see Editing Records.

See also:
Verifying Record Headings
Verifying Headings Using INN-View Authority Validation